"My many friends are imprisoned". That the workmate Ronaldo worried

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Nani grew in poverty, without parents, in a Lisbon ghetto, and today he leaves in the European championship final – and will try to eclipse even Christiano. → 30 people astride the bus. As Paris went crazy

the Sir Alex Ferguson always was able to fix the eyes on skin one, to crush authorities of a locker room "Manchester United", to rush smartphones of players, to kick chairs and bottles with water, to bring players shout. If did not work – threw a football boot into an eye to David Beckham . When Ferguson is capable to humiliate in the face of all Beckham, the Spice fight, a sex symbol, the general favourite and further according to the list, what to it it is worth crushing psychologically in private conversation the thin black fellow who arrived on negotiations to Manchester in such look as if did not eat week?

Fergie and his assistant Carlos Keyrush one and a half years watched Nani, knew each his feint therefore about soccer sir Alex did not ask questions. In general. The main thing, what he asked – "And whether there is at you a mentality to be ready to play in England? To me all the same, what equipment at you as you play. You are mentally ready? ". Nani's voice did not shiver, it sustained check by a look. Here before eyes, probably, the picture from the childhood flew – little Luish says to the companions from the yard that he will put on a t-shirt "Manchester United". Those maliciously laugh – aha, will put on, only in a dream …
Hit on hands, and in 5 days before to Manchester from "Porto" arrived also the Brazilian Anderson . Both under guardianship took Cristiano Ronaldo's – invited to time to live to itself home. Conditions magnificent – the pool, a tennis court on which the Trinity constantly arranged competitions … Moreover and Christiano tried to help with everything, explained English traffic regulations, told about local paparazzi, against something warned, somewhere helped. Nani was pleasantly shocked with such help, but first could not find any peace in magnificent apartments. Was afraid to leave the room, sat and looked in a wall, starved – because did not want to eat alone.

But in Manchester at Nani already was though any platform for development – a salary from "Yunayted", the cozy house, trainings with Christiano and Wayne Rooney, a successful beginning of the career … It was possible to look forward with confidence. What a difference childhood. Luish, then yet Nani is a nickname the sister Kristened will give already then – lived in slums on the suburb of Lisbon, in a family there were nine children from mother, five from the father, it – the most younger. All crowd moved with parents from Cape Verde in search of the best life, but something was not taken, Domingush – the father of family – started running from reality, began to drive about over the different countries, and once departed on the native island to have a rest … and did not come back home. Nani was 5 years old. And then his mother, Maria, departed to the Netherlands to begin new life. Too did not return. Nani was 12.
Little Luish says br to the companions from the yard that he will put on a t-shirt "Manchester United". Those maliciously laugh – aha, will put on, only in a dream …
the Teenager remained on care of the aunt Anthony which lodged him in the house in Santa-Filomena and became for the boy the second mother. The house – the one-storeyed hovel, a roof from iron sheets, are scattered by a row old mattresses, pieces of rusty iron. Typical house of this quarter. There lived in the basic natives of Angola and Cape Verde which has gone to Portugal in search of the best life. So-so life – in air is a lot of toxic substances, it is impossible to breathe, around smoke a nonsense and drink, vandalism prospers, all are involved in a crime. Plates with the name of streets too are not present – all long ago either are torn off, or ornamented.
"Tam it was difficult for br to live, – Nani remembers. – Always there were problems with police, shots were often heard. It was a violence nest. My many children's friends got to prison, I was rescued by soccer". Nani lived among deprivations, fell asleep in one room with six brothers. When woke up – drove a ball everywhere, with anyone, representing favourite Luis Figo. Spent for this occupation for 6-7 hours a day, at all did not come back home to have dinner – is there was nothing. Then the hudyushchy fellow came home, took a ball to itself in a bed and with calm filled up. Hungry, in an environment of brothers.

Perhaps, Nani and would continue to drive aimlessly a ball on streets if not the brother to Paulo Robert – somehow it took younger "Massama" on training, that led round several in a row children is more senior, trainers talked over and decided to take the boy in team. "He was the weak boy, him badly fed but when we saw that he is able to do with a ball, we opened mouths from amazement and forgot how it looks", – the first trainer Nani, Luish Neves . In photos since then Nani looks approximately equally – thin, as a chip.

In "Massam" Nani had not only an opportunity to drive a ball on a grass in an environment same obsessed as he – by the way, one of obsessed was the player of "Locomotive" Manuel Fernandesh . It provided with food, sports equipment, to it helped to make the passport. On Nani's trainings went on foot – you will think, from the house to stadium of 5 kilometers. From there, tired, too came back on shank's mare, with the last bit of strength went on cross ties of the railroad conducting from Santa-Filomena in Amador. When Nani was late on trainings late, he not to be robbed or beaten, got into the train. Certainly, "hare" – money for journey at the little boy was not. Sometimes it caught, police officers took by arms and brought home after midnight, it was very a shame to him. But he tried to explain every time sincerely why it does: "Look, I have no money, mother has no money, and I have to go to train. It is the only way to rise upward". Sometimes understood and did not land from the train.

Nani was not ashamed of the life, and about Paula Roberta finally became friends – if the brother went to drive a ball, Luish ran with it if the brother needed to help to earn money on building, Luish too tried to help it. Paulo passed viewings in "Sportinge" and "Ajax", was not fixed, and then it was absorbed by area environment. To Nani such it did not happen – he was too keen on soccer. However, from time to time he visited to safe areas friends on command – to live at them. Sometimes remained for the whole week, received new things and food. The secret is simple: "I was the boy whom all loved".
→ "I love br when all whistle to me". The football player who you admires

When came it is time to jump level above, Nani could not choose: "Sporting" or "Benfika"? He in general supported "Porto", and viewings were offered by two other Portuguese grandees. Nani took cunning – on Tuesdays came to "Benfika" camp where Fernandesh already passed, on Thursdays and Fridays was engaged in "Sportinge". Everything was solved by a case – "eagles" wanted to make test for viewing players and to appoint by it a match with "Boavishta" at Da Lush stadium, but the trainer
When Nani was late on trainings late, it not to be robbed or beaten, got into the train. Certainly, "hare".
"Benfika" Graham Souness regretted a lawn and cancelled game.

Nani got to the well-known academy "Sportinga" in Alkosheta, personally got acquainted with Christiano and Ricardo Quaresma (all three now light for Euro), five years cooked in a copper of youthful teams, and in the summer the 2005th team accepted Paulo Benta, admiring the player on "youth team". Nani received at once the ticket in the main team, played for a season of 36 matches, and the next year already hammered in the Champions League – to "Spartak" in "Luzhniki". Noted the goal a traditional somersault – thanks to capoeira, on Nani's which occupations developed flexibility.
Shortly before departure to Manchester Nani was cut by br on training about Benta. The occasion petty – in a dvustoronka a ball took off out of field limits, future Dynamo member Kushtodiu quietly saw off a ball in a miss, and Nani rushed to a rigid tackle. While to Kushtodiu did a freezing, Paulo turned to the player and told: "Everything is over, there will be no you the good football player". Nani shiknul: "You so speak, truly? But not I". Soon Luish departed to Foggy Albion, signed the contract with "Yunayted", lodged in Christiano's house, that helped beginners, and in May of the 2008th and Nani Ronaldo helped – in the same "Luzhniki" there was a series of a penalty of a Champions League final, Christiano just ruined the blow, on his eyes tears appeared, Nani should be beaten the following. Pyotr Cech almost reached the ball which has been started up by the Portuguese beginner, but "almost" it is not considered. Then will miss the mark Terry and Nicolas Anelca, and Nani will lift over the head the Cup of champions during the first English season.

Nani supported all – both Christiano, and Wayne Rooney, and sir Alex, but he had a chronic illness of young players. Instability. In "Manchester" it spent two seasons in a row so-so, but all the same received a call in Portuguese national team on ChM-2010. However suddenly injured a shoulder and dropped out of the national team demand. Nani was depressed – when arrived home, got into the car and started pressing on gas, touching terrible thoughts in the head. And then, having cooled down, understood that this trauma – only a signal to work more diligent. The season-2010/11 became for Nani the best in career – he did 19 goal passes, there was the hero of derby with "Manchester to City" (a goal %2B transfer) and helped "red devils" to leave in a Champions League final.

→ Such different stars.

In a year Luish again handed over a tactical preview of the final of Euro-2016 to b a little, went to Euro and allegedly headed revolt against Christiano who has thrown a captain's bandage after loss of Germany – as if forgot about the house, councils and the old help. History rumpled, but the deposit remained – Nani began a thicket to be criticized, almost ceased to receive a place as a part of "MU", since summer of the 2012th to the 2014th played only 23 matches in the Premier league, came back home to Lisbon, spent a powerful season for "Sporting". Last summer Nani finally got rid of obligations to "MU", arrived to Istanbul, hammered during the season into "Fenerbahçe" of 6 heads from penalties – and why standards in the national team always are executed by Ronaldo, instead of it?

For Nani's Euro-2016 for the first time received the status of the iron player of a basis. It reincarnated in a role of a center forward, hammered 3 balls for tournament and stepped over a mark in 100 matches for Portuguese national team, and on a tournament course were received by the contract from the Spanish "Valencia" . On a tribune it is supported by Maria – it returned to Portugal, Luish does not harbor against it malice and well communicates with it. Even earlier, to Manchester, Nani flied to the father in Cape Verde where together with it Antonija departed – Domingush told that could not get home because of delays in papers. To Antonia Nani bought the three-room apartment in the center of Lisbon. Orphanage with a roof from rusty sheets razed to the ground. Now from there nobody goes on trainings by rail.

→ Who, if not Christiano? Portuguese national team for Euro-2016
the Source: "Championship"