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@Novaja Kalmykija
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the Truth how backward Kalmykia occupied one of leading places in a medical rating

Guzel Ulumbekova For certain many remember that about one and a half years ago in Russia there was a preparation for a forum "For qualitative and available medicine! ". However, its results strongly disappointed the public.

of Versions about the reasons of such fiasco was much. But today everything becomes more obvious one – in experts instead of honored experts doctors other people were invited. Who are they and why at big organizational efforts there is no necessary substantial result? Let's try to understand on a concrete example.

the Doctor of medical sciences Guzel Ulumbekova shocked recently the public with results of the research. By its results it became clear that the 1st place by efficiency of health care in Russia was taken by Kabardino-Balkaria, on the 2nd Dagestan settled down, Kalmykia and Mordovia follow further.

inhabitants of these regions Divide Ulumbekova's similar optimism? The answer to this question does not demand special reflections. Certainly, more ridiculous rating it is difficultly to imagine.

thus, Ulumbekova within 12 years was engaged in okolomeditsinsky business – headed GEOTAR-Media publishing house which long time undividedly dominated in the market. In 2004 it tried to expand business, and headed the Complex Medical Consulting company. And from 2007 to 2009 was the adviser to the governor of the Samara region concerning the health care organization. it is interesting to p by

, what such it was succeeded to achieve in this region, than could brag our expert? As far as we know, anything different from the general situation in domestic medicine.

A few years ago Ulumbekova held a position of the director of the Moscow research institute of the organization of health care. And during this period of her statement were absolutely iridescent for the capital and terrible for … Great Britain.

the Headed Ulumbekovoy Assotsiation of professional medical societies (ACMOK) was known in narrow circles only for the conclusion of contracts with Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund. After all business habits did not leave this lady never. And hardly leave in the future …


By the way, Guzel Ernstovna by training the physician. Therapist. However, as she worked absolutely anything. In 1990 ended clinical postgraduate study in scientific research institute of the general pathology and pathological physiology of AMN USSR in Moscow. And already in 1994 as it was spoken above, steeped in highly profitable okolomeditsinsky business.

But "expert" Ulumbekova and nowadays, having been out of work, does not lose a former business grasp. Also there are by its calculations Kabardino-Balkaria, Dagestan, Kalmykia and Mordovia in leaders of domestic health care. (Certainly, for a bribe – in our case, from the Governor of Kalmykia Alexey Orlov; editor's note).

Today Ulumbekova actively looks for to herself new, now public platforms as in the medical environment seriously practically nobody perceives it. Expert balancing act performed by Guzel Ernstovny is perceived by usual female offense for the lost positions.

to different Organizers of forums it is good to p to remember simple truth: tell who your expert, and I will tell who you are. When about medicine, experts will really argue on doctors and patients, then there will be no place to exaggerated ratings and unfounded statements.


Aleksey Orlov
Last position: Senator from executive body of the government of the Republic of Kalmykia (Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Ulumbekova Guzel
Frolov Oleg
Main activity:Insurance