The authorities of the Lithuanian area Shakyay will pay for €200 for the newborn

@RT na russkom
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The authorities of the Shakyaysky area in Lithuania made the decision financial instruments to support birth rate in the region. For each born child to shakyaysky mothers will pay extra for €200.

"We these €200 will not solve a material problem. It is such symbolical support and even gratitude in honor to women in labor as in in writing look the gratitude is not necessary to them, direct support" is necessary to them — quotes RIA Novosti news agency of the word of the mayor of the Shakyaysky area Yuozas Bertashyus.

according to the mayor, these measures have to help with the solution of a demographic problem of the area and "to give the chance to families of the area to reflect on the birth of children".

It is noted by p that inhabitants of other regions of Lithuania even when moving to Shakyay will not be able to count on the similar help: receiving support requires registration.