"Tour de France". 8th stage. Racers will pass a mountain route with lifting on Kohl du Tourmale

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Today will pass the eighth stage "Tour de France". Racers will pass a mountain route with top of the highest category – the mountain Kohl du Tourmale. "Tour de France" of the 8th etappo – Banyer-de-Lyushon184 kmprofil/Kartanachalo – at 13.20 on Moscow a vremenitranslyation – from 15.00 on shopping Mall Evrosport the General zachet1. van Avermat Greg (Belgium, BMC) – 34.09,44 2. Yeyts Adam (United Kingdom, ORICA-BikeExchange) – 5,50 3. Alafilipp Julian (France, Etixx-QuickStep) – 5,51 4. Alejandro Valverde (Spain, Movistar) – 5,53 5. Joachim Rodriguez (Spain, "Katyusha") – 5,54 6. Christopher Klayv Froome (United Kingdom, Sky) – 5,57 7.