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The Cheburashka will make flight in space

The hero of domestic animation the Cheburashka will make space flight in honor of the 80 anniversary of Soyuzmultfilm.

At the moment it is on the way to Baikonur. On July 7 it will go into orbit, together with astronauts on VIKC will spend some weeks and will return on studio.

According to department, the Cheburashka will study station life, will watch the best movies of a film studio with astronauts, leaves in an outer space and will start there an anniversary pennant of a film studio.


To Lionel Messi gave 21 months of prison for evasion from taxes

The Argentina football player of Spanish "Barcelona" Lionel Messi and his father Jorge Horacio Messi are sentenced by court to 21 months of imprisonment for three cases of evasion from taxes on total amount of 4,1 million euros. Messi's lawyers, one of the richest football players in the world, declare that that "never spent also minutes of the time for reading or studying of the text of contracts".

However the High court in Barcelona decided in June, 2015 that the football player cannot be exempted from liability because he did not know how his authorized representatives operate his finance. In this case this finance was controlled partially by his father.

In August, 2013 Messi and his father voluntary paid to tax inspection of 5 million euros that corresponded to the sum of the underpaid taxes and percent.

Messi, the quadruple winner of the Champions League and the sevenfold champion of superiority of Spain, was born in Argentina, but obtained the Spanish nationality in 2005. In 12 months till June, 2015 he earned 74 million dollars.


In Indonesia in a traffic jam 18 people


The police in the Indonesian regency Brebes located in the northwest of the island of Java, reported about death of 18 people who have staid in to "terrible traffic jam" on July 5.

Thousands of drivers going from Jakarta to Tegal on paid East Brebes Road, staid in a road jam, according to different data, from 20 to 35 hours. The majority of them went home on celebration of the termination sacred for Muslims of month Ramadan.

The stopper arose because of road infrastructure - lines of cars were built before points of payment of journey.


The lightning killed the Siberian noting the birthday

Noting 57th birthday the man was lost from a lightning stroke. Accident happened near Esaulovo's village near Krasnoyarsk. The birthday man with the wife and mother went in the cart fastened to the motor-block, on the coast of Yenisei when the thunder-storm began. The lightning struck while the man tried to cover relatives with tarpaulin.


Scientists equated goats to dogs

Biologists from the London university of the queen Maria came to a conclusion that goats are not less friendly and clever, than dogs. Scientists found out that communication of people with goats is arranged approximately the same as with dogs - animals peer at eyes of the person and react in reply. Such behavior as it is noted, is uncharacteristic for wolves or other wild animals.


The man fell from a balcony of the mistress after arrival of the husband

In the evening on Tuesday, July 5, the man arrived on appointment to the acquaintance - the married woman living on Bolshoy Pereyaslavskaya Street. Her spouse was not waited in the next by some hours, however he came back home.

Lovers ran on the apartment. The visitor grabbed the things and tried to hide: came to a balcony and, holding on to the banister, rose on eaves, however it did not keep and failed down. The victim delivered to the intensive care unit one of hospitals. The shocked woman and her even more shocked spouse is interrogated by police officers.