News without policy | In Indonesia in a traffic jam Died 18 people
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The police in the Indonesian regency Brebes located in the northwest of the island of Java, reported about death of 18 people who have staid in to "terrible traffic jam" on July 5.

About it reports Asian Correspondent. Thousands of drivers going from Jakarta to Tegal on paid East Brebes Road, staid in a road jam, according to different data, from 20 to 35 hours. The majority of them went home on celebration of the termination sacred for Muslims of month Ramadan. According to the chief physician of a regency, at 12 people because of a heat and for fatigue chronic diseases became aggravated, five died in accident, the cause of death of one more person is not established.

Because of density of a transport stream physicians even on motorcycles could not reach those who needed the help. As notes the edition, the stopper arose because of road infrastructure - lines of cars were built before points of payment of journey.