In Indonesia 18 people died in a stopper

@Gazeta "Metro"
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Photo: All photos: AFP

of 18 people were lost, having got to a huge stopper in the Indonesian regency Brebes in the northwest of the island of Java. About it on Wednesday are reported by Asian Correspondent .

According to different data, people carried out in a stopper from 20 to 35 hours. 12 victims died for fatigue and a heat (they aggravated chronic diseases), five during accidents, in one case the cause of death did not manage to be defined.

Incident happened the day before, on July 5. The participants of traffic traveling from Jakarta to Tegal on paid East Brebes Road, got to a stopper. The jam happened because of infrastructure of the paid road. Transport accumulated in turns before points of payment of journey when inhabitants of Java in large quantities went on celebration of the termination of month Ramadan.

the President of Indonesia Dzhoko Vidodo already demanded p from the government to do everything possible to prevent emergence of jams along the Northern coast of the island, in particular, on paid East Brebes Road.

Dzhoko Vidodo
Last position: President of the Republic of Indonesia (President of Republic Indonesia)