v Indonesia 18 people died in a 30-hour stopper on the way on celebration of the termination of month Ramadan

@Biznes Online
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In the Indonesian regency Brebes in a multikilometer stopper on the way on celebration of the termination of month Ramadan were lost 18 people. Drivers carried out in a jam in the northwest of the island of Java, according to different data, from 20 to 35 hours, reports " Gazeta.Ru " with reference to local mass media. by

It is reported that the participants of traffic traveling from Jakarta to Tegal on paid East Brebes Road got to a stopper. Transport accumulated in turns before points of payment of journey when inhabitants of Java in large quantities went on celebrations.

according to the chief physician of a regency, 12 victims died for fatigue, 5 — as a result of the occurred accidents, in one case it was not succeeded to define a cause of death.