In Latvia profaned a monument to the Soviet soldiers

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Unknown poured over it paint photo photo at Night on July 3 in the Latvian city of Subat unknown profaned a monument to the Soviet soldiers who have fallen during the Great Patriotic War, reports a portal M

"In Subat of Ilukstsky edge unknown profaned a monument to the Soviet soldiers who have fallen during war. The request not to disregard this incident" — one of eyewitnesses wrote.

In turn the political activist and the public figure Vladimir Linderman commented on the vandalism fact. According to him, monument defilement in Subat is connected with that still it was not succeeded to demolish a monument to Liberators in Riga.

"In Subat (the small Latvian town on border with Lithuania, fifty km from Daugavpils) freaks defiled a monument to the Soviet soldiers. In any way they do not manage to demolish a monument to Liberators in Riga, here are a partisan on places" — Linderman wrote. we Will remind p to

, on June 30 the Commission of Diet on mandates, ethics and statements refused to consider a public initiative about recovery of the pre-war project of Uzvaras (Pobedy) Square located in the territory of park Uzvaras in Riga which, in particular, assumes demolition of a monument to Liberators.