Handballers of "Gomel" recognized rivals in qualification of the Champions League

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On June 29, BELTA/Minsk/correspondent. In headquarters of the European federation of handball in Vienna there passed lot of a qualification round of a female Champions League, the correspondent of BELTA reports.

of the Handballer of "Gomel", for the first time won gold of national superiority, got to the 2nd qualification group. In a starting match Tomazha Chater's wards will play on September 10 with hostesses of tournament by handballers of German of "Leipzig". If gomelchanka victoriously carry out a debut duel, on September 11 will meet the winner of a match between Austrian "Hipo" and Spanish "Balonmano" for a place in a group stage of the main continental tournament.

Structures of other qualification groups:

1 - "Glassverket" (Norway), "Ankara" (Turkey), "Koprivnitsa" (Croatia), "Dalfsen" (Netherlands).

3 - "Ljubljana" (Slovenia), "Mikhalovtsa" (Slovakia), "Lublin" (Poland), "Konversano" (Italy).

In a man's Champions League the best team of Belarus of the last years the Brest handball club of a name of Meshkov directly got to number of 16 participants of an elite group stage. Lot of groups will take place on July 1 in the Danish Glostrup. And already precisely it is known that the newly made victor of the Champions League Polish "Viv" from Kielce will be one of rivals of team of Sergey Bebeshko. In last season of BGK met with "Viv" at a stage 1/8 finals, having twice conceded to Poles - 28:32 (houses) and 30:33 (on a visit).