Robbery of night shop in Vilyanakh: the thief attacked the stun gun
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At the end of the past week the Rezeknensky police station received two messages on alcohol theft – from Vilyan and Vilyaki, and in the first case the drunk criminal managed to apply the stun gun against the employee of night shop. In both cases the young man of 1990 year of birth who and came into the view before of police appeared the thief.

The robbery of night shop with use of the shock weapon was made on Friday, June 17, at o'clock in the morning – the drunk young man, having collected a basket with products and alcohol, insisted on purchase acquisition on credit. Having been refused, it nevertheless took a basket and decided to escape with it from shop. The worker, decided to catch up with the thief, almost managed to detain the tipsy man, however at this moment he received blow of an eletroshoker and was immobilized for some time.

On the same day the store robber was noticed in Latgaliya's other region – in the boundary city of Vilyak (allegedly, the thief had the car) where it again stole alcohol. Having considered structure of a crime and a sign of the criminal, the police noted that in Vilyanakh and Vilyak the same person could make an offense. The version of police officers was confirmed after fast detention and recognition of the drunk brawler who was never judged before, but was more than once brought to administrative responsibility.

to the 26-year-old person incriminate 176 (robbery) and 180 (theft) article of the Criminal law LR according to which to the man threatens till 5 years of imprisonment with the subsequent term of a probation.
