Poll: The majority of British supported preservation of membership in EU

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About 52% of British on a referendum about membership of Great Britain in EU supported kingdom preservation in the European Union, results of poll of YouGov published after closing of polling stations testify.

the Exit of Britain from EU were supported by 48% of respondents, reports RIA Novosti news agency .

This survey was conducted during the whole Thursday and in fact is alternative of exit poll which are not carried out because of impossibility to make them same exact as polls on elections.

On Thursday in Great Britain passed a referendum about membership of the country in EU.

Meanwhile, June poll showed that the number of supporters of an exit of Great Britain from the European Union for 10% exceeded number of supporters of membership in EU.

On Sunday the Bruges group company published the report in support of arguments of eurosceptics according to which the decision to remain in EU will cost to the British taxpayers 80 billion pounds (115 billion dollars).

It will begin at 07.00 local time (09.00 Moscow time) and will come to the end at 22.00 (00.00 Moscow time). The first results of a referendum have to be announced on the night of Friday.