In S&P threatened to lower a rating of Britain in case of an exit from EU

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The Standard%26Poor's rating agency (S%26P) entering the three of world rating institutes, can lower a credit rating of Great Britain from the highest level of "AAA" in case of its exit from the European Union, the representative of agency Moritz Kremer reported.

"If Great Britain on a referendum on membership in EU on Thursday will vote for an exit from community, relevance of a credit rating of "AAA" will expire, within a short period of time after that it will be lowered", – transfers TASS Kremer's statement with reference to the German newspaper Bild.

It motivated the words with that in Great Britain in case of an exit from community the political situation becomes less stable and predictable.

On Thursday in Britain <= "" target =" _ blank"> the referendum on membership in EU began a href .

The day before from poll of the Opinium company it became known that supporters of an exit of Great Britain from EU structure are in the lead in poll in the run-up to a referendum concerning future relations of London and Brussels.

June poll showed that the number of supporters of an exit of Great Britain from the European Union for 10% exceeded number of supporters of membership in EU.

On June 19 the Bruges group company published the report in support of arguments of eurosceptics according to which the decision to remain in EU will cost to the British taxpayers 80 billion pounds (115 billion dollars).

The first results of a referendum have to be announced on the night of Friday.