In the northern capital will pass the XIV International festival competition "Three Eyelids of the Classical Romance"

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OREANDA-NOVOSTI . will pass from June 25 to July 3 the XIV International festival competition "Three Eyelids of the Classical Romance" In the northern capital.

In the run-up to this musical event announced the festival program.

Saturday June 25, the Small Hall Филармонии

Концерт-открытие the XIV International festival competition "Three Eyelids of the Classical Romance"

Began at 19.00

of the Traditional opening ceremony always the joyful atmosphere of a holiday is inherent. The festival meets again public as with dear friends to share all new and long ago loved, familiar and unusual, and to give start to the next romansovy marathon.

In this concert to you the meeting with new names is necessary to p - venerable representatives of the German performing school Martin Bruns (Switzerland) and Martina Ryuping (Germany) will show skill and a subtlety of an embodiment of the German romansovy classics, the beautiful Georgian tenor Taimuraz Gugushvili, undoubtedly, will fascinate listeners by a unique timbre and artistic temperament.

With special pride the Festival for the second time presents to p the outstanding Netherlands singer Robert Hall - remember his really tremendous execution of a vocal cycle of Mussorgsky "Without the sun" last year! This time Robert Hall known and as the composer, promises to execute and romances of own composition.

Everything who heard at Elisabeth Vidal's (France) last festivals, for certain store in memory its charming French manner, a unique coloratura and fantastic top "la". In this concert the singer again will appear before us in all splendor the virtuosity and charm.

Darlings and permanent participants of the Festival – national actors of Russia Vladimir Chernov, Olga Kondina, Pavel Egorov also will this time present to public an eternal, unsoluble riddle of the highest skill and performing magic. To be recognizable and every time new – quality of the original master. we Will remind p to

that all acting actors – judges of the Competition "Three Eyelids of the Classical Romance" which will open on June 26th in Conservatory (an entrance on competitive listenings free).

did not forget also youth – the concert begins speech of recent winners. Open a ceremony and founders and organizers of Festivalya-Konkursa – honored actresses of Russia Elena Gaudasinskaya and Irina Sharapova perform piano parts.

Sunday June 26, the House of composers Санкт-Петербурга

Грани the romance

Began at 19.00

This traditional heading – representation romansovy Today and Tomorrow, the picture of the separate directions in a modern cut of a genre and creativity of young composers, whose time only comes. Certainly, the concert contains some sides – therefore and is called, but they are extremely interesting also in itself, and as a projection of development of the romance. All executed composers – judges of Composer competition of the romance, a subject of pride and special care of the Festival. On their decisions depends that we will hear in the 1st office of a concert where the newest compositions of winners of competition sound. Here has to expect impression the brightest and unpredictable.


the Program of the 2nd office are decorated by three world premieres - Igor Vorobyov's songs on own texts, Sergey Oskolkov's cycle on verses of the father of the composer. Anton Tanonov who is sensitively absorbing the modern sounding environment, is presented by a cycle on verses of poets of the XIX century. Pyotr Gekker chose for this concert of the composition on Pushkin, Maykov and Akhmatova's verses, once again showing originality and beauty of the vocal style, and originality of vision of Alexander Radvilovich is learned already in the name and structure of its cycle - "Inverted world" - eight interludes for a soprano, a baritone, a violin and a harpsichord.

Monday June 27, the Small Hall of Philharmonic hall

the Romance without borders

Began at 19.00

Constant headings are born not incidentally. They reflect the major ideas and the Festival directions. "The romance without borders - a heading multiple-valued, today sounding especially actually. It is aspiration to designate essence of the romance as the phenomena universal, timeless and exterritorial, in all eras and styles true "to a letter and spirit" the genre always weaved with Poetry singing Lyubov. And still visually unites and the live performing stream combining eternal, fadeless, with bright flashes of the new erases all borders.

So will be and in this concert. Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov's masterpieces will adjoin to Mahler and Strauss's topmost fulfillments in speeches of the known Petersburg singer, the National actor of Russia Vladimir Vaneev and the German singer Martina Ryuping , the schoolgirl and the follower great Elisabeth Schwarzkopf.

the Uncommon chamber singer and the thin interpreter, the Austrian tenor Alexander Kaybmakher will present to listeners an iridescent romansovy scattering - from Beethoven to Chaplin, accompanied by a harp. The harp party too is remarkable - behind the tool the known harpist, the winner of the international competitions and the exclusive actor of the arfovy house of "Salvi" Alexander Boldachev .

the Festival Event - a world premiere of romances of the outstanding Petersburg composer Sergey Slonimsky on Blok's verses performed by a bright young baritone of Boris Pinkhasovich and the Honored actress of Russia Irina Sharapova , old adherents and interpreters of its vocal works.

a concert Intrigue – performance of young tenor promptly moving ahead to serious world recognition, the soloist of the Maryinsky Theater Sergey Semishkur . At a romance Festival it for the first time, and experts on a vocal have a presentiment of a performing event, especially – in ensemble with the Honored actress of Russia Irina Soboleva , the most experienced musician and the wise mentor.

We are proud of our youth – with Vladimir Vaneev the winner of the international competitions Anna Korzun , awarded also the diploma of the best leader of competition Tchaikovsky and the best pianist of the "Three Eyelids of the Classical Romance" Festival competition acts.

Tuesday June 28, the Academic chapel

the Russian pages

there Began at 19.00

Vast space of the Russian romance – a treasury of inherent cultural values, the detailed encyclopedia of the Russian spiritual life. Every moment stories it is unique in the musical originality and originality. In this concert we paid a tribute to composers, whose creativity became sign in the history of the Russian romance of the XX century.

Sergey Prokofiev's Page (to anniversary of the composer). This musical gift unites two polar on style and spirit of a pole of his vocal creativity. The thinnest "Akhmatova's five poems", the composition of 1916 – and "interrogated", but not lost press of genius of the author of a song of the Soviet period, a multiple-valued and bright monument to this era.

Georgy Sviridov's Page presents to p one of most his considerable compositions – the poem on Yesenin's verses "the Sailed-away Russia". Sviridov conceived this work as a symbolical image of Russia, its way, infinite belief and love for the country.

Valery Gavrilin's Page – the composer especially loved in Petersburg and recognized since the first lines owing to an inimitable musical svoyeobychnost of intonation. Here "The second German writing-book" on Heine's words will sound - the composition original, real theatrical action, romantic history of unfortunate love of the poet (remember "Love of the poet Schuman)

the Performing structure is brilliant: loved and esteemed Olga Kondina ("Akhmatova's five poems"). Constant "the Moscow guest", bright and many-sided actor Vladimir Baykov (Prokofiev's songs). Wonderful and already infrequent in Petersburg - owing to an improbable demand in world musical life, Olesya Petrova ("the Sailed-away Russia"). The soloist of the Maryinsky Theater Sergey Romanov impressing with artistic skill and singing experience ("The second German writing-book").

Behind a grand piano – the known Petersburg pianists Deserved the actress of Russia Elena Gaudasinskaya, Irina Sharapova and Boris Kondin.

the Real surprise – final the Page of sources - performance of legendary of Vladimir Chernov with legendary "Tower quartet" - for the first time at our Festival!

Wednesday June 29, the Maltese Chapel

"Spirit and thought пристанищå…»

Начало at 19.00

it is worth coming To this concert in good time. To stand under the ancient arches, to admire marvelous proportions of an architectural masterpiece of Kvarengi, and to feel breath of the History which has flown here by a freakish chain of events - world and private, well-known and mysterious. From the moment of creation of the Maltese church of the Saint Ioann Iyerusalimsky constructed on command of the emperor Pavel for knights of the Maltese award – to a today's concert hall. Here – short history of blossoming of the Maltese award in Russia, and the nice page of the Pazhesky case, and not so old return is a lot of undergone zaprestolny image of John the Baptist, and ceremonies of the Maltese gentlemen, and strange choruses of orthodox use …

of the Wall remember everything, and an echo of this memory, undoubtedly, we will catch and in the program of our concert. What will sound? As a beginning – Beethoven, "Six spiritual songs on Gellert's words", the first in world history of the romance a vocal cycle. It - about life and death, the nature and God, that gives to the person strength to live and create, overcoming heavy spiritual tests.

Shostakovich's Cycle "A. Blok's seven poems", written one and a half centuries later, in absolutely other style and spiritual conditions, - wonderfully is substantially comparable to the betkhovensky. The same meanings it is free or involuntarily the composer in early Blok's verses looked for. "Gamayun – a bird prophetic", "Secret signs" "Music". He created music from blokovsky intimate and implicit, weaving a voice and a verse with violin and violoncello singing. Bitter experiences of a century constantly appear in breaks of intonations and intensity of a harmonious background, but also here all manages an image of healing and a shelter.

Both cycles are executed by young singers – Pyotr Gaydukov and Aleksandra Kabanova. In a betkhovensky cycle behind a grand piano - the national actor Pavel Egorov, the master and the poet of a piano. to

One more bright performing peak of a concert. Surprising quality of its voice indeed turns everything what the singer touches into gold. But also the works chosen by these duet – the real treasures of a genre.

the French program accompanied by a harp – a tribute to beauty and direct musical pleasure. Faure, Massenet, Ravel, Debussy - everything is thin, refined and proportionally, besides the harp fans voices at all unearthly accords. Elisabeth Vidal and André Conie, frequent guests of the Festival – skillful and inspired spokesmen of originally French world view and style, and Alexander Boldachev's masterly harp here too in the elements.

Thursday June 30, Maryinsky Theater. Shchedrin's hall

a romance Festival on a visit at the Maryinsky Theater

Began at 19.00

from the moment of Festival creation soloists of the Maryinsky Theater became its desired participants. Their unique voices and ability "to live" the romance on a scene as a theatrical role add a palette of rich colors in romansovy performance, and promote genre blossoming much.

This time the Festival devotes to the Maryinsky Theater a special concert in the core of this huge theatrical empire, in one of chamber halls of Mariinsky theater - 2. The concert will take place in Shchedrin's hall, and begins work of this composer. To the young soloist Pelageya Kurennoy, one of prize-winners of last competition "Three Eyelids of the Classical Romance" the happy lot dropped out to open a concert in ensemble from one of sign figures of the Maryinsky Theater – his leading leader, the Deserved actress of Russia Irina Soboleva.

the Performing youth will be presented also by the tenor Carlos Ä’Oнофрио with the pianist Ekaterina Venchikova - the bright program from Turina and Hinastera's works.

Peak of a concert and the real gift to public - the National actor of Russia Yury Marusin , the singer really legendary, will act with a graceful selection of the Russian romances on Pushkin's verses.

For the first time on a festival scene a remarkable bass Vladimir Felyauer – with "gold" bass repertoire (Glinka and Dargomyzhsky's romances).

Ekaterina Shimanovich again will open boundless opportunities of the voice in Wagner's cycle "Five poems Vezendonk", accompanied Victor Vysotsky's - the musician versatile, now, welcome, even better known as the successful theatrical director.

Top of the Russian romansovy classics – "Dissonance", "Vocalese" and other rakhmaninovsky masterpieces will sound in masterful execution of Irina Vasilyeva , with it behind a grand piano – talented Andrey Telkov.

Warm expressiveness and depth always distinguish also a manner of Natalya Evstafyeva. Rubenstein, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov's Romances – the "crowns" of its repertoire chosen for this concert. Here, as well as in Yury Marusin and Vladimir Felyauer's performances, the piano part will be performed by the Honored actress of Russia Irina Sharapov's .

Friday July 1, the Sheremetevsky palace

"Under a roof of Fountain House …"

Began at 19.00

We not incidentally called this concert in the akhmatovsky line – the poetess fully and deeply felt and recreated surprising magic of this ancient place literally attracting the significant cultural phenomena. Now here the music Museum, and what bright pictures of the musical past draw memory and imagination when you examine ancient, but any minute capable to recover tools, and wander about a magnificent suite of wonderfully remained rooms. And the image of Praskoviya Zhemchugova – the legendary singer, one of the first actresses of Russia, invisibly lives in Fountain House and as speak, stores it from destructive time. If so – it by all means is with us at this concert reviving beauty and an inherent value of the romansovy past.

the Festival is proud of opportunity to enter one more page in nice musical history of Fountain House. Unconditional event – performance in this concert of the outstanding Netherlands singer Robert Hall with the shumanovsky cycle "Circle of Songs" ор.39. The international recognition and huge demand of this actor is combined with surprising personal modesty and "closeness", so direct slushatelsky participation in its "live" execution - a rare fortune.

the Known German baritone of Martine Bruns will continue the line of the German song Brahms's cycle ор.121. "Four strict tunes" on bible texts – the last and topmost composition of the composer, the deepest philosophical reflection on life and death.

the Russian romansovy line will be presented by magnificent "Mariinsky" couple – Oksana Shilova and Yury Vorobyov . In time to win considerable popularity on the world opera scenes, shining in a number of performances of the Maryinsky Theater, these singers are so skillfully and extraordinary shown in a romance genre. Masterpieces of Rubenstein, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Rachmaninov embodied by a velvet bass of Yury Vorobyov and a warm, trembling soprano of Oksana Shilova of nobody leave indifferent.

A there will begin a concert an iridescent scattering of the coloraturas, Johann Strauss and Saint-Saens's most masterly bird's trills the young soloist of Mikhaylovsky theater Ekaterina Fenina .

Behind a grand piano – the master of a genre Semyon Skigin (Schuman and Brahms), Irina Sharapova (the Russian branch) and Anna Korzun - in an equilibrium duet with Ekaterina Fenina.

In Fountain House, friends!

Saturday July 2, White hall of the Grand Peterhof Palace

Palace entertainments. Romance theater

Began at 18.00

Present: summer Sunday, magic Peterhof – and delightful, caressing hearing and soul of a melody … It is the traditional country concert of the Festival conceived as rest and entertainment, witty dramatized and fancy-dress our young opera directors and ballet masters – the real theater! In the program there are rarities – for example, Donizetti's vocal cycle for a soprano, a mezzo-soprano, the tenor, a baritone and all together - "Summer nights in Pozilipp". Here music, as well as in adjoining "Love waltzes" Brahms literally shrouds in the beauty, the most tender love feeling and a fragrance of harmonies. Still – exotic sarsuela – a national Spanish genre of romansovy theater, with bright color of originally Spanish passion.

In Dargomyzhsky's known genre pictures their theatrical essence will visually open, and Lalo's duet will bring a shred musical clowns.

of Performers a set – two vocal quartets of wonderful voices of young theatrical soloists (Mariinsky theater, Mikhaylovsky, St. Petersburg the opera), picturesque Vasily Istomin, students of vocal faculty of conservatory, the ballet and supers.

To a meeting in Peterhof!

Sunday July 3, Academic капелла

Торжественное festival closing. Rewarding and gala concert of winners of the VIII International competition of the vocal and piano duets "Three Eyelids of the Classical Romance" and competition of composers "The best romance 2016"

Began at 19.00

Here it, a final point of multi-day musical competition young, talented, in the best sense of ambitious musicians. It – as a solution of a plot of a detective story, some kind of "the truth moment", especially for those who watched a course of competitive listenings, supported the favourites and looked forward to results. But also for the newly made winners who have for the first time come a concert - always an intrigue and a surprise. Who are they recognized best today, what will tell the public tempted and waiting opening? What ideas and values move and souls and minds inspire them? And what in boundless vocal elements it will be especially conformable to a system of thoughts and feelings of the modern person?

the Musical answer to these questions - in this concert, with his person, the festive and sociable atmosphere, a mnogolyudstvo, a welcome applause, and, certainly, a celebration of the eternal Romance.