Hockey players from the city of Pisek acted in a porno

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The news agency of the Czech Republic reports that three players of hockey club IHC Písek from the Czech city of Pisek acted in the amateur pornofilm with participation of the blonde to whom addressed by the name of Reza. Record lasts 12 minutes and, most likely, was removed by the hidden camera

Hockey players from the city of Pisek acted in a porno pisek, the porno, scandal, sports, hockey the Source:

Journalists note that the girl did not know that young people decided to record the love games on video.

the Source: Snachalo's

with Reza have target sex two players of an ice-hockey team, and then the third joins them. Finally, in a shot the girl and three men frolic. "Why you ceased?" - the player "I cannot" any more asks Reza at the end, - the tired girl the Source:

video which have Got to the Network already caused rough reaction among the Czech admirers of hockey and movies for adults.

the Source:

In turn the chairman of Písek club Zdenek Schastny commented on incident as follows:" It is private life of players. I do not see ways as the management of club could "fight" against similar cases",

the Source:

Hockey club Písek exists since 1990 and now plays in the second league.
