Eurosceptics estimated damage from membership of Britain in EU

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If Great Britain remains in EU, to the British taxpayers it will cost 80 billion pounds (115 billion dollars), the Bruges group company which has prepared the corresponding report in support of arguments of eurosceptics before a referendum planned for June 23 considers.

As appears from the today's report, the British contributions to the European investment bank and the European central bank will cost to the country 32,56 billion pounds (47 billion dollars). 48 billion more pounds (69 billion dollars) should be paid London if some other associates of 28 countries are not able to fulfill the obligations in case of new crisis with uniform European currency, transfers TASS .

Eurosceptics specify that Great Britain as to one of the most solvent members of EU should participate in providing the European budget with additional liquidity to avoid its deficiency. Thus, experts of Bruges group, in conditions when decisions are made by the qualified majority warn, London will have no opportunity to block use of these means.

"Looks almost comically that we have to watch closely how we use a credit card within the country, but we report its number, the PIN code, a safety code on a reverse side, an expiry date so to the EU many organizations", - is spoken in the document.

Eurosceptics specify that is farther with this "credit card" by which they mean the British contributions to EU, Brussels does that wants: spends means at discretion, if necessary requesting even more money.

Representatives of the organizing committee of official campaign for membership of the country in EU answered it that suggested are a lie. "According to our new status, under the law nobody can force us to participate in programs of the emergency financial help", - declared in the campaign organizing committee "Great Britain stronger in Europe" (Britain Stronger In Europe).

Lack of need to participate in the mentioned programs contains in the package of proposals about reforming of EU which the prime minister of Great Britain David Cameron coordinated with Brussels before designated referendum date.

Let's remind, the referendum about membership of Great Britain in EU will take place on June 23. June poll showed that the number of supporters of an exit of Great Britain from the European Union for 10% exceeded number of supporters of membership in EU.

The Minister of Economic Development Alexey Ulyukaev told that the potential exit of Great Britain from structure of EU (Brexit) has impact on the Russian economy and the budget, and also increases volatility of oil and other assets.