Granite and ogradka. How to win the championship on digging of graves

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National championship on digging of graves, golf on one field with a reptile, victories of beach volleyball players and gymnasts – among events of the past week.

Is a record in beach volleyball!

Weather in the European part of Russia yet does not please those who waits for hot summer. But with the results representatives of one of the most summer and solar sports – beach volleyball impress. Russians Konstantin Semyonov and Vyacheslav Krasilnikov won silver medals of the European championship in Bill (Switzerland). They conceded in the final to Italians with the score 1:2, however it did not prevent to establish record achievement for man's continental competitions. Before Russia in the European championships had only bronze of the Badger and the Kolodinsky sample of 2008.


urges gymnasts to work
So it developed that last week Switzerland accepted also other large international tournament: the European championship on gymnastics. Russian national team as a result took away from Bern two gold awards, silver and two bronze. Russians became the first in team competitions, and Aaliyah Mustafina perfectly acted in exercises on a log. As a result our sportswomen ensured the first place in medal offset, however the minister of sports Vitaly Mutko considers that to girls still is over what to work . As a whole it is right: competition level at the Olympic Games will be where above.

the sepulchral sports Championship

And the most unusual competitions past week took place br in the Hungarian city of Debrecen where athletes competed in … high-speed digging of graves. Tournament, naturally, took place on a city cemetery, and 18 teams took part in it, in each of which was on two persons. Winners of competitions dug out a grave 200х80х160 less than for half an hour. And the most curious that now the most high-speed grave-diggers of Hungary should go on the international tournament where they will struggle for a victory with competitors from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.

the Japanese child prodigy conquers the world

the World of table tennis the Japanese little boy continues to surprise. To Tomokadz Harimoto for the first time began to get under sights of television cameras in last season when in the 11 years started finishing with more terrible and skilled rivals. In status tournaments he did not manage to get victories yet, but continues to establish a record behind a record, breaking all ideas of opportunities of young athletes. Last week Harimoto to whom it was already executed 12, became the most young in the history a chetvertfinalist of World round. Experts consider that a victory in so prestigious tournament – only time business. And the young Japanese has enough of it.

Koreans redrew mascots of Sochi-2014?

Quite recently organizers of the Olympic Games-2020 in Tokyo made the decision on change of an official logo of Games after charges of plagiarism. And now of loan of foreign ideas accused, let and informally, the organizing committee of the Olympic Games of 2018 which will take place in Pyeongchang. The matter is that last week mascots of the following Winter Olympic Games were presented: white tiger and Himalaya bear . And if the tiger on the snow leopard flaunting on the Sochi-2014 logos, is similar a little, a bear – as if the cousin of the Sochi Olympic bear. Probably, Koreans were so impressed with logos of Sochi that could not think up anything new.

Golf with an alligator

Mascots are not only at the Olympic Games, but also at some certain sporting venues. The mascot golf of the Buffalo Creek Golf Course club located in Florida, became famous last week. The athletes, wishing to begin game, removed the five-meter reptile which is basking in the sun on one of lawns of a complex on video. As employees of the golf club explained, the enormous alligator is for a long time one of sights of a complex and from time to time really is shown on fields. It is interesting as so unusual mascot will affect popularity of club.

Brazil suffers from a virus and floods

But we will return to the Olympic subject. In Rio de Janeiro everything is closer than game, and problems less yet do not become. The problem of a virus of Zeke in South America is widely discussed, and already it became known that pregnant women are not recommended to go to the region in order to avoid problems with health. The organizing committee of the Olympic Games and weather does not please: because of a high water one of Olympic torch relay stages was broken. The town of Olinda was flooded, and his inhabitants lost opportunity to participate in a ceremony. Instead of them additional day of a holiday on streets was received by citizens in Recife.

Inducement to a dope – to put br or not?

While in the world conduct global fight against a dope by all available means, similar battle takes place and within the walls of offices of representatives of the Russian power. A week ago the law on introduction of criminal liability for inducement of the athlete was introduced in the State Duma to the use of the dope providing long terms of imprisonment for its violation. However the government of Russia considered excessive punishment in the form of 10-15 years of imprisonment even in case doping entailed death of the athlete. If with the athlete everything appeared as it should be, prison term does not threaten the violator, but it will have to pay a penalty to 500 thousand rubles. Source: "Championship"

Константин Сергеевич Семёнов
Last position: The professional athlete on beach volleyball
Vyacheslav Borisovich Krasilnikov
Last position: The professional athlete on beach volleyball (Independent noncommercial organization "BK "Fakel")
Tomokadzu Kharimoto
Last position: The professional athlete on table tennis
Vitaly Mutko
Алия Фаргатовна Мустафина
Last position: The professional athlete on gymnastics