"The librarian – 2016"

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On May 27 librarians Russian Federation by the 21st time celebrated the professional holiday – the All-Russian day of libraries.

On the eve of the professional holiday employees TORMENTS "TSBS" held on May 26, 2016 professional skill "the Librarian – 2016", directed on stimulation of development of a library profession, and also libraries which provide access of citizens of Zverevo to information, knowledge and culture in the conditions of creation of .

On a holiday of staff of libraries of Zverevo congratulated: The deputy mayor of Zverevo – Poroshina Albina and the head of department of culture, sports and youth policy of Administration of Zverevo – Pigareva Svetlana who thanked librarians for their hard work and for a contribution to development of a cultural heritage to Zverevo, and also handed over the Letter of thanks to collective of TORMENTS"TSBS" and flowers to each librarian.

4 librarians of TORMENTS"TSBS" :

Gavrilova Natalia – the librarian of the Central city children's library of I. A. Dokukin. In 1996 graduated from the Rostov school of culture and arts. Professional experience – 21 years

Gaydukova Svetlana – the librarian of the Central city library of M. A. Sholokhov. In 1986 finished Republican a cultural gleam school of Elena Syrbu the cities of Forty Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Professional experience – 30 years.

Yengoyan Mylena – the librarian of library of. A.S. Pushkina. In 2000 graduated from YUZHNY FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, FGAOU FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "YUFU", YUFU in the specialty – the teacher of Russian and literature. Professional experience – 9 years.

Fedorova Tatyana – the librarian of Local history library museum. In 1987 graduated from Tashkensky regional normal school in the specialty – the teacher of preschool . Professional experience – 6 years.

In this solemn and the holiday of jury became:

Chairman of jury: The deputy Zverevsky City Council the 6th convocation, the director CHILDREN AND YOUTH SPORTS SCHOOL "Olimpik", the reader more than in quarter of the century – Ovchar Natalia ;

Judges: The director TORMENTS "TSBS", young, initiative, vigorous – Lebedeva  Anna ;

The manager of library MBOU SECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL NO. 1 of Boris Pavlovich Yurkov, the expert with a mnololetny experience and experience – Subbota Svetlana .

professional skill "the Librarian – 2016" consisted of five competitive tasks:

- Card (Presentation of the library activity)

- Warm-up (questions and answers on professional activity)

- The essay of the nominee on a subject:

- "Future library"

- "I and library"

- "My in library"

- "Our library"

- "Traditions in library"

- "Library - my destiny"

- "10 years later or library in the long term"

- "Library in virtual space"

scenic skill and the standard of speech (to read the offered text);

Homework - Creative : "Action in library" (representation of a library form of work, including with involvement of the audience and support groups).

"Librarian-2016" proceeded nearly three hours, it should be noted that fact that time passed imperceptibly. For this period contestants showed not only the professional skills, but also the creative, oratorical and artistic abilities.

Each card of contestants differed the individual approach is and verses of own composition on activity of the library, both a buktreyler, and sketches from library life, and a music turn. Each contestant had the support group from among fellow workers and readers.

Within carrying out scenic skill and the standard of speech to participants were offered to read the story Bunin Yvan "Sunstroke". This story was chosen not casually for two reasons: the first – fragments of the story transferred an essence and a hprpkter of the reader, and the second - within celebration of Year of the Russian cinema as based on the story the movie Nikita Mikhalkov with the name of the same name was shot.

When summing up jury was in very difficult situation as not one contestant did not concede another. Therefore each participant became a winner, only in the different nominations:

Gavrilova Natalia in the nomination: "CJSC "KNIGINYA" children's reader's hearts";

Gaydukova Svetlana in the nomination: "CJSC "KNIGINYA" eternal youth";

Yengoyan Mylena in the nomination: "CJSC "KNIGINYA" magic lines of poetry";

Fedorova Tatyana in the nomination: "CJSC "KNIGINYA" studies of local lore and krayelyubiya".

During everything festive musical mood were created by Igor and Fedorova Tatyana Nazarova.

, and together with it and a holiday of librarians ended. Working everyday life began! But organizers are sure that that charge of energy, good and professionalism remains at librarians of Zverevo for a long time!

Nikita Mikhalkov
Last position: Chairman (LLC "Soyuz kinematografistov Russia")
Poroshina Albina
Pigareva Svetlana
Gavrilova Natalia
Gaydukova Svetlana