The exhibition of young artists "Tells Izhevsk" opened in Udmurtia

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The exhibition of young artists Izhevsk" style = "margin-bottom:10px opened in Udmurtia"; display: block;" itemprop =/>

of Work presented to "contentUrl" at once on two platforms: in the Museum of the fine arts and the Museum of Izhevsk.

Izhevsk. Udmurtia. The exhibition of young artists "Tells Izhevsk" within the international Moscow biennial of young art opened in Udmurtia. From June 3 to July 2 works will present at once on two platforms: in the Museum of the fine arts and the Museum of Izhevsk, the correspondent of news agency Susanin from a place of events reported.

the First exhibition within a biennial, under the name "Moscow Speaks", took place in the capital of Russia 2 years ago. The main goal of the project – to unite cultural communities of the different cities of the country and to carry out a cut of young generation till 35 years: to understand how historical, political changes influenced creativity of new generation of artists.

"Our country is rich with p in talents, and in your city very ancient and long tradition of active cultural life. We simply wanted to get acquainted with it. I hope that it will be pleasant to you", - Elena-Kuprin Lyakhovich told the mentor of curators of the project.

of All at an exhibition presented works of 45 artists of Udmurtia. Curators: Elena Kasimova and Marina Rudenko, declared that took great pleasure, working with the Izhevsk artists.

"The exhibition opened big works of very many people who were rallied by this project", - the curator of the project Elena Kasimova told.

Selection of works on an exhibition started still a floor a year ago. Demands came much. According to organizers, it was very difficult to make a choice because good works it was valid much. to

"It is immensely grateful for such opportunity to work in the city of Izhevsk, to find and get acquainted with such number of gifted artists and really interesting projects", - the Moscow curator of the project Marina Rudenko shared the impressions.

Each work here is in own way unique, interesting to p by

and, anyway, reflects a "young" view of the past, the present and even the possible future of history of our country. At an exhibition are presented not only artworks, but also photo, video records of creative, ideological inhabitants of Izhevsk for which such projects are necessary for further self-realization and inspiration.

"We have a lot of talented youth and exhibition platforms are very necessary to them, to them the our assessment is very important, to them recognition is important and the viewer is important. I very much hope that we will be able together and to do from now on such large-scale projects", - the director of the Izhevsk Museum of the fine arts Vera Vakhrusheva told.

After the termination of the Tells Izhevsk exhibition which takes place within the international Moscow biennial of young art, the second will pass p – already in Moscow. On it 15 participants selected in Izhevsk, will present the modern art of Udmurtia. The exhibition will take place under the same name - "Tells Izhevsk".
