"Scandal and mockery! " "Legiya's" fans supported Cherchesov

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"Legiya" left Cherchesov after a victory in the championship and the Cup of Poland. Fans of club are surprised and revolted. On June 1 "Legiya" officially declared the termination of cooperation with Stanislav Cherchesov under the leadership of whom the team won the championship and the Cup of Poland. Together with Cherchesov Warsaw was left by his assistants: Vladimir Panikov , Miroslav Romashchenko and Gintaras Stauche . On "Legiya's" site the official reason of parting is published: "Club and the trainer could not reach the agreement on the questions having paramount importance for development of "Legiya" in the next years".

"When Cherchesov came to us in October, 2015, we set for ourselves the specific tasks, from which the victory in the championship was main. Thus we concluded the gentleman's agreement: after a season, regardless of results, we will discuss results of work and we will talk, that and how it is possible to reach in the future. Cherchesov and his team did huge work for which we are very grateful to them. We shook hands and wished each other good luck" — "Legiya's" sports director Michaê úewêakow .

"Almost a year ago I told that we with Cherchesov have the general vision, and it was the truth. The victory in the championship in a year of century of club was an absolute priority. Cherchesov and his team transformed "Legiya", the club became the champion. Nevertheless, when the speech came about plans of further development of all club, and not just the first team, it appeared that our views disperse. And this normal phenomenon in professional soccer. We leave, keeping mutual respect and wishing to our former trainer of achievements in the future. Warsaw will not forget your professional approach and the got victories" — "Legiya's" president Bogusêaw Lesnodorsky .

Official statements of representatives of "Legiya" and the message on a club site are impregnated with warm colors and respect. But having studied the Polish mass media, it is possible to draw a conclusion, what not everything is so smooth.
On a site Legia.sport.pl it is noted by br that "Legiya's" guide had questions on Cherchesov's assistants. Representatives of club wanted strengthening of a trainer's staff and parting with the physical training coach Panikov and the trainer of goalkeepers Stauche. Cherchesov did not agree with such deal and to the last looked for a compromise with the club management in the matter. The PrzeglEd Sportowy edition writes that in "Legiya" did not consider a play of the team rather spectacular, and also were dissatisfied with the small quantity of game time provided by the Russian expert to young players. It is reported and about disagreements in a question of strengthening of structure. In comments to this news on the Polish site one of visitors writes br to br: "It is scandal and mockery! It is clear to all why Cherchesov left. He wanted that club strengthened structure so that it was not a shame with performance in the Champions League. Nonsense: "Legiya's" guide wants to play in the Champions League, but thus does not wish to be spent. I am not surprised with Cherchesov's leaving. Stanislav has ambitions, he wants to fight for the highest purposes, and here it was impossible. Sadly, but such is reality". Other reader questions: "Arguments concerning spectacular game and young players have the bigger weight, than efficiency and good results in Europe? Actually "Legiya's" game in comparison with last year considerably improved. Cherchesova for such long term on what it was possible had to keep "Legiya". It came to us the known trainer, won the championship and the Cup, improved game, but we do not continue with it work because it gives not enough time to young players … Misunderstanding. Everything looks so that Cherchesov was dismissed as his ambitions are too high for the club management".

Opinions of fans that occurs almost always, differ. But it is possible to draw a conclusion that the very many are dissatisfied with policy of club and the decision to leave Cherchesov. Besides appointed instead of Cherchesov to a position of the head coach "Legiya" Besnik Hussey , earlier working with "Anderlekht", appeared not that figure which could eclipse internal scrapes.

"I watched recent a match between "Bruges" and "Anderlekht" in whom Hussey's team erased in a dust with the score 0:4. And I heard that fans of club demanded from the management of dismissal of the trainer. Now this exile headed "Legiya" in a year of century of club before performance in the Champions League. Not the fact that with this gentleman we will see at least League of Europe. These shifts the management of our club destroyed all pleasure from a champion's title" — "Legiya's" admirer is indignant in comments on one of the Polish sites.
One more fan varshavyan is surprised with br: "Besnik Hussey? Who is it? ! Thought, having dismissed Cherchesov, they will find someone better. Or at least what surname I already heard. As a result the unexpected guest about whom the majority of us hears for the first time became "Legiya's" new trainer. It is simply improbable that we missed the trainer with whom the team won the championship and won the Cup. It was "Legiya's" best trainer for many years".

Apparently, Besnika Hussey are expected by hard times. And we need to wait for news of a new place of work of Stanislav Cherchesov. Source: "Championship"
Stanislas Cherchesov
Main activity:Athlete
Vladimir Panikov
Last position: Coach of Russian football team (FUR)
Miroslaw Romashchenko
Last position: Assistant to the head coach (FC "Ferentsvarosh")
Gintaras Mindaugovich Stauce
Last position: Trainer of goalkeepers of Russian football team (FUR)
Football club "Anderlekht"
Main activity:Culture and sports