Alexander Zubkov is elected the president of Federation of bobsled of Russia
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Today on June 2, in Moscow extraordinary conference of the Federation of Bobsled of Russia (FBR) took place. Elections of the new president of federation took place. The former head of the organization Georgy Bedzhamov was displaced from a post after official charge of fraud and the announcement in the international search. The double Olympic champion Alexander Zubkov who on a poll 16:7 outstripped the ex-coach of Russian national team on bobsled Vladimir Lyubovitsky became the new head. About it reports sports information "All sports".

In structure preziduma of FBI are included, except Zubkov, the prize-winner of the Olympic Games Albert Demchenko, Roman Oreshnikov, Sergey Zhurkin, Nikolay Kulikov, Elena Anikina, Petros Gasparyan.

Alexander Zubkov
Main activity:Athlete
Vladimir Lyubovitsky
Main activity:Athlete
Albert Mikhaylovich Demchenko
Main activity:Athlete
Roman Aleksandrovich Oreshnikov
Main activity:Athlete
Sergei Zhurkin
Last position: Head of service of mechanization and transport (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "INTERREGIONAL GRID DISTRIBUTION COMPANY SEVERO-ZAPADA")