Boundless rest together with "Rosintur"
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More and more residents of Rostov spend summer holidays in the Czech Republic and Hungary.

In Rostov for the first time passed ROAD SHOW in an European way, organized by the Rosintur company which specializes more than 15 years on rounds to Europe.

- We wanted to remind that there is a set of places where it is possible to have a rest pleasantly with advantage for the health, - the director of the company "Rosintur" Svetlana Zemtseva emphasized. - Rest in the Czech Republic and Hungary remains to one of the most available in Europe as these countries kept the currency.


To Prague regular flights are performed from Rostov three times a week, and one more flight will be added from July 4 to September 4. The variety of options of placement does the capital of the Czech Republic of one of the most attractive in Europe. Vatslavskaya Square, Karlov Bridge, the Prague hail is has to see everyone!

The host in the Czech Republic - ETC travel - provides comfort for tourists. Armor check in the hotels, the convenient transfers, actual maps of the city, the help in a currency exchange and a taxi call, a huge choice of excursions. Foot - on small streets of the old city, bus - on the Czech locks and breweries, and also exit: "Two capitals" (Vienna - Budapest), "Locks of Bavaria" (Munich), "Saxon Switzerland" (Dresden) and others. In this season there was an interesting novelty - travel on factory of Meysonovsky porcelain of handwork. One more hit - "The Prague mosaic", covering well-known "Dancing house", the wax museum largest in Europe, a television tower... Even if you proceeded Prague up and down, it is still capable to surprise!


But the Czech Republic is a not only excursion tourism, but also improvement on thermal sources. One of the oldest resorts of Europe - the Greenhouse where treat the musculoskeletal device and nervous system, and not only at adults, but also at children from 3-month age. In local sanatoria the Russian astronauts undergo postflight rehabilitation. The ancient town is surrounded with picturesque mountains of natural park the Czech Switzerland. One more well-known resort - Karlovy Vary, opened nearly 300 years ago. Water from local sources treat, generally gastrointestinal diseases. The fine climate, the purest air, natural walking routes and dietary food - too part of the medical program.


If about rest in the Czech Republic many have heard a lot, Hungary remains "dark horse". Meanwhile, the country possesses unique opportunities. Warm welcome is provided by the Hungarian company Robinson tours with Russian-speaking managers and the round-the-clock escort of tourists. Look at one of the most beautiful capitals of Europe - Budapest and at the same time visit some neighboring countries. And still here fine beach rest on the Lake Balaton, the museums, excursions, knightly tournaments, wine cellars, walks across Danube, one of the zoos oldest in Europe and many other things. Summer vacations in Budapest will be unforgettable!

Besides, the country possesses a huge stock of thermal water which is successfully used in the medical purposes. Budapest - the only capital of the world having a rank of the balneal resort. The main direction of the Hungarian thermal sources in Sharvara, to Harkani and Tapoltsa - treatment of the musculoskeletal device. Separate attention adequately unique thermal lake Heviz in whom it is possible to bathe all the year round. Managers of the Rosintur company will help to decide on the suitable resort. It is possible to study all offers on a site. The Czech Republic and Hungary are ready to present unforgettable impressions!