The team of school No. 70 Lipetsk will take part in the All-Russian stage of Presidential sports in Anapa
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To Lipetsk region the regional stage of the All-Russian sports of school students "Presidential sports " which passed from May 6 to May 31, basketball competitions came to the end with .

Competitions within took place on base in State Budgetary Institution DO gym " the Sports and tourist center Lipetsk region ". 150 young basketball players took part in competitions from 19 teams schools Lipetsk region.

Command results of performances of young men and girls developed and one all-command place which went to offset was removed.

During tournament it became clear that the best basketball players study in Lipetsk, Yelets and the item Tolstoy Leo. They gathered identical quantity of points, but, by results of performances of girls, the priority was given to team of a gymnasium No. 11 Yelets which took the first all-command place. Behind them levtolstovets settled down, and Lipetsk school students got the third place.

After summing up performances of teams schools by all types of the program (a checker, table tennis, swimming and basketball 3kh3), " Presidential sports " the team MBOU secondary general education school No. 70 city Lipetsk. Silver medals athletes of school of the item Tolstoy Leo, bronze – at MBOUSECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL NO. 4 won Gryazi. All winners and prize-winners received cups, medals and diplomas of Administration office science and education Lipetsk region.

Now young athletes from the seventieth Lipetsk school are waited by "hot September". On the most "velvet" season the trip to a resort Anapa in VDTs " Eaglet " where will pass the All-Russian stage of Presidential sports is necessary to them. And secondly, they are waited by hot sports fights on platforms and camp stadiums where they will have to fight for a rank of the most sports team school Russian Federation. We hope that the main victories at them still ahead.

Let's remind that Presidential sports are held for the purpose of promotion of a healthy lifestyle, formation of positive vital installations of younger generation, civil and patriotic education being trained, familiarizing with ideals and Olympism values.

Presidential sports are held in three stages. The first stage – school – was carried out till March, 2016. in the general education organizations. The second stage – municipal – was carried out municipalities in March-April, 2016. Regional – the third stage – passed from May 6 to May 31, 2016.

The program of the third, regional stage of Presidential sports included basketball (3kh3), swimming, table tennis competitions and checkers.

In addition:

Pupils take part in the I stage of Presidential sports with 5 on 11 classes.

The teams schools created from pupils take part in the II stage, shown the best results at the I stage.

The teams schools which have won at the II stage, rubles consisting of studying 2001-2002

take part in the III stage of Presidential sports

Place and competitions time:

On May 6 – competitions in checkers (Lipetsk, MOUDO " of SSh No. 4 "). The beginning in 10:00 hours

On May 12 – swimming competitions (the swimming pool of page of Borinskoye Lipetsk district);

On May 26 – table tennis competitions (with / the " Sports and tourist center Lipetsk region " hall);

On May 30 – basketball (3kh3) (with / a hall MBOUSECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL NO. 70).