Than the World Ice Hockey Championship will be remembered

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That's all. now it is safely possible to call the 80th World Ice Hockey Championship a past. It became history. With all pleasures and disappointments, triumphs and the defeats interesting by figures and the facts. Summing up its results, we will look at all main moments and events in which we will remember our house bronze tournament second for ten years.

Alexander Ovechkin/Foto: Vasily Ponomarev

On descending, but with medals

0:3 from the Czech Republic and 6:4 with Kazakhstan it was replaced 4:0 with Latvia and 10:1 with Denmark. Swedes practically did not notice, Americans crushed. And here with Finns, alas, again did not cope. Nevertheless, Russian national team takes medals of the World Cups. Only of all participants for the third time for the last three years – neither Canada, nor Finland, the USA did not manage to become prize-winners both in Minsk, and in Prague, and in Moscow. Certainly, not the biggest achievement, considering structures which bring the same North American teams, but nevertheless it is pleasant. Guards other moment: with arrival on a post of the head coach Oleg Znark after the Sochi fiasco the instant result appeared above any praises, and here everyone following – is one step lower than the previous.

Russia - the USA. WC. Bronze medal match

A year ago did not master in the final with "maple", and now moreover and on the ice, in general them did not reach. And it with selection of players which semi-reserve to call language well does not turn in any way. the 8th place on tournament on realization of the majority and the 12th minority on "killing" – with such indicators to apply for a victory is simply unreal. Who is guilty what to do and whether in general bronze should rejoice – all this was already repeatedly discussed and only all the same everyone in this respect will have the opinion. From pluses – a link Panarin – Shipachev – Dadonov with 6 goals at everyone, Telegin and Lyubimov's opening, Datsyuk and Mozyakin's beautiful interactions. From minuses – game in unequal structures, "silence" Ovechkina with Kuznetsov (on 1%2B1), and the old problem which has set the teeth on edge – protection. But ahead – the World Cup where Russian national team in the structure similar present, will be resisted by much more serious rivals. It becomes that's when finally clear, in what direction there is a movement of a national team.

And again Canadians

Canada, Finland and Russia. After the Sochi Olympic Games in the finals of the World Cups play only these three teams. It is a pity that on house ice the Russian team could not please fans with the presence at a match for gold. But if it at least gave out spectacular bronze game, the main fight of tournament between Canadians with Finns, to put it mildly, disappointed. No, nobody waited for repetition of a group match and in general open game are scenarios obviously not for the finals. But if to put outside brackets a goal in empty gate, only one washer in 60 minutes – that is obvious not, on what the audience could count. It is clear that when the title is staked, to expect lack of an average zone quite silly (though, in principle, happens also such), but after all the football account seldom happens to the person to a hockey match.

Finland - Canada. WC. The final

Nevertheless, it. "Maple" drew the correct conclusions after 0:4 in group and at all did not admit Finns to Kem Talbo. Whether a joke – only 16 throws in an alignment, and it besides that "Suomi" the most part of time were in a role of the catching up! Finns were won by their weapon – viscous, impassable defense. Their champion hat trick did not take place – well, not all at once. But there was other historical event: Cory Perry became the new member of threefold gold club, having added a title of the world champion to the Olympic gold and the Stanley Cup. Well, and 19-year-old <= ""> Connor Makdevid a collection of victories at junior and youth levels of last years filled up a href also with a "adult" gold medal, having written down thus in the asset a victorious washer in the final. Now he is the youngest hockey player who has become the world champion at all age levels. Not bad to start professional career, isn't that so?

Ancestors remain are unshakable on a world hockey throne. the 26th champion title, and they closely come nearer to joint result of Russia and the USSR. This time to them two teams gave battle: Finland and USA. There is a question: and what would be if with "maple" Russian national team met? Really Finns saved us from the embarrassment second in a row in the final? Or after all would be overcome? But it is all already subjunctive mood for now it is worth establishing the fact: the podium of the 2007th completely repeated in the 2016th. There, however, the match for bronze was not such cheerful, and for gold – on the contrary, it is more interesting. That it: the Moscow deja vu, or to Canadians with Finns really so comfortably to play on the Russian ice? to

Young everywhere at us Makdevid's Victorious washer far not the only successful action performed by youth in this championship became expensive


. Now, certainly, first of all we will remember Patrick to Laina recognized as the most valuable player of tournament. Well, it is difficult to argue with it, the guy and the truth is opening number one.

Slovakia - Finland. 0:5 . Patrick Lyne

Moreover and appears in lists of the best snipers: on seven washers with Gustav Nuekwist – the best result, only the Swede formally ahead thanks to smaller quantity of the played matches. Lyne unambiguously imposed fight for the first number to other representative of "gilded youth" - to Oston Mettyyuz.

It, by the way, slightly lagged behind – only one goal less. That fact that yet zadraftovanny player becomes one of leaders of the team and in general tournament, speaks about one: youth slowly starts restricting experience. Here actually, and the answer to a question why the youth World Cups become such popular. Yes simply level of players grows. It would be possible still povspominat about Sebastian Akho who has buried of hope of the Russian national team in a semi-final and only why salt in the wound to rub …

Again the best link

A year ago, despite defeat in the final, Panarin – Shipachev – Dadonov it was possible to recognize a link as the best three of tournament. Right after it Artemy departed to Chicago, having left the partners together. To it at replacement looked both Guseva, and Mozyakin, but here a year later "Blekhouks" lost to "Saint Louis" in the first round play-off, and the magnificent three reunited. Certainly, they needed certain time to remember the practices.

WC. Russia - Sweden. 2:0 . Artemy Panarin

But then rushed: in one match they did not leave from ice without the gathered points. Actually, the list of the best goal-scorers of superiority speaks for itself: all three occupied leading positions. Finns could stop them only – though, apparently, to Koskinen they have to know approach. It is necessary to hope that it was far not their last joint emergence, and even playing for different clubs, all of them will equally please us in a national team. After all exactly thanks to teamwork of all the links the great Red Car also won. Where Czechs and Swedes got to with p with


two More countries applying for a rank of leading hockey powers, in Russia, to put it mildly, did not impress. Beginning Czech Republic national team is no place more vigorously, but after defeat of Norwegians 7:0 as though someone began to build before them invisible barriers. Inexpressive game with Denmark and Switzerland smoothly flowed in the most disgusting quarterfinal in which the ambassador of one thrown washer wards of sir Vuytek decided that it quite will suffice for success. As though not so, later a couple of hours the team went to pack suitcases, in the fourth time in a row having finished tournament without medals. From their performance there was a feeling of an innuendo – the collective obviously could apply for the bigger. But did not manage, and now a year more will puzzle over what to do with this drought.

Swedes said goodbye to the mentor Per Morts even more cold. Any victory over the rival of high level and 24 passed washers, 6 from which – in a humiliating quarterfinal against structure of Canadian national team comparable on the level. Gustav Nuekwist's first place in the list of the best snipers became the only light spot for "Tre Krunur". Not especially strong consolation. Well, that they will be more evil in September on the World Cup and collective there will be obvious more powerfully. To the Russian team with them, by the way, to play the first match.

Break of Denmark and Germany

Three teams which can be happy with the performance, but thus will come back home empty-handed. These are the USA, Denmark and Germany. With the first everything is clear: already which tournament bringing youth, students and players of the second plan, "star-spangled" give battle by the basic (well or the semi-basic) to structures of rivals. A year ago selected at owners of the championship bronze, in it took a step back, but unless it is possible to throw a stone into their kitchen garden?

A here who really achieved progress is Germany and Denmark. Germans dream to enter for a long time the list of leading world hockey powers and only except the fourth place of the house in 2010th anything special recently cannot brag. And here the national team is headed by 37-year-old Marko Shturm, itself recently finished career of the player, and in the first year of the work brings wards in a quarterfinal. And, not hardly crept in the last round – from the third place! Say, however, that nobody wanted to get on Russian national team and therefore the result of Bundesteam was so good. But it everything in favor of the poor: after the first period could seem that Germany is close to supersensation, but all our fears were dispelled in the second twenty minutes. Nevertheless, Germans can safely bring this championship to themselves in an asset. As well as team of Denmark: without having been confused at all after 1:10 from Russians, Yanne Carlson's wards gave out a magnificent match with Czechs that as a result helped them to climb up the fourth line. That is interesting, last time they left in a quarterfinal in the 2010th – as well as Germans. As if between them there is any telepathic communication: if to leave in a playoffs, only together.

the Belarusian-Slovak nightmare

did not do and without chagrin: for the bigger waited from Slovakia, Belarus, France – but four together on one chair, of course, you will not take seat. Further someone had to pass one, and Germany became it someone. Or after all USA? Belarusians in general slightly was did not take off, and French have a year before the house championship very strongly to add. Slovaks every year is in a fever more and more, and the become frequent cases of an absenteeism in a quarterfinal (the third year in a row and the seventh in nine years) obviously tells about strong recession of level of a national team. From group A Swisses disappointed, perhaps. At that development which receives hockey in this country, and such attention which is giving to completing of the national team, an assessment the team will receive the obviously unsatisfactory. Unlike their fans about whom the speech will go further.

Bright support

All without exception of team got the support in the championship. Someone rather modest, and someone – on the contrary. Certainly, the most numerous and bright with the big - a large supply was at Russian national team, and with it nobody will argue. The only thing – would be desirable that all those who watches hockey during the World Cups as were interested in it and during a regular season, and in an ideal – even more, are closer to level of Canada … Pelageya and other fans of the Russian national team on WC tribunes

But it already dream. And further - at once some "groups". In St. Petersburg much remembered Hungarians – though they have it and not a national sport, but support the team outsider got the excellent. We do not cease to admire and this remarkable tradition after a match to sing the anthem together with team regardless of result. And the Moscow fans of hockey will unambiguously mark out Swisses who were prepared for the championship fully, than hockey players. What only dresses and they had no fighting colors! Quite solid landing landed Kazakhstan – from guests on their matches support was the loudest. That, in general, no wonder: Andrey Nazarov's group was sympathized by many Russian fans. And certainly, it is necessary to mention Husky – the freaky, unruly and ubiquitous favourite of everything who at least once visited tribunes of this World Cup. Here for the sake of such festive mood which reigned in the closest vicinities of the Moscow and Petersburg ice, and the remarkable sport under the name hockey is created.