The drunk Ukrainian rushed with a knife on the frontier guard who has not let it to Poland

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the Press service of Beshchadsky department of the Border service of Poland reported h3 to span id about incident which happened on May 8 on border with Ukraine .

There the 29-year-old citizen of Ukraine to whom refused entry into Poland, at first offended the Polish frontier guard, and then put a knife to his throat.

to the Polish frontier guards had to use force to calm down the aggressive Ukrainian. Later the test for alcohol showed existence in an organism two per milles of alcohol. It can mean that the aggressive traveler drank or 200 grams of vodka or 5-6 bottles of beer.

Now its case is considered by p in prosecutor's office of the Polish city Yaroslav, the Ukrainian Internet newspaper "Vesti" reports . by

at the end of February it was reported, what Poland can construct a wall on the Polish-Ukrainian border to prevent flow of illegal migrants.