Vladimir Bezubyak: "Oleg Kononov too trusted agents. It is difficult to determine level of the football player by selection of the moments"

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The senior trainer of "Carpathians" Vladimir Bezubyak told about how the Lvov club signed legionaries in operating time of Oleg Kononov as the head coach. - At some instant legionaries as a part of the "Carpathians" started appearing in large quantities – Borja, Cristobal, Pacheko...– Partially to such step resorted forcedly. On the eve of the second calling League Europe we lost several leading performers and had to replace them with someone. The mistake is that Oleg Kononov too trusted in agents. On the cartridge, it is difficult to determine level of the football player by selection of the moments.
Oleg Kononov
Main activity:Athlete
Konstantin Kravchenko
Last position: Trainer, head coach of a double of football club "Stal" Kamensk