Congratulation with Day of Fire protection Russian Federation
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Dear employees of fire protection!

Accept sincere congratulations on a professional holiday - Day of fire protection Russian Federation!

Your work was considered at all times as one of the most risky, but also one of the most noble. On the first signal of danger firefighters are ready with risk for life to enter fight against one of the most terrible elements – fiery. This hard and dangerous work on rescue of lives demands from the person of the highest level of skill, discipline, dedication, ability quickly to make only the right decision in extreme conditions. Heartily I thank for your everyday intense work on providing a reliable barrier from fire. I wish you a good health, happiness and wellbeing! Let disturbing sirens on streets of our city sound less often, let more often wives and children in the family circle see you!

Mayor of Zverevo Zyuzin I. Yu.,

chairman Zverevsky City Council