In Serbia announced the specified results of parliamentary elections

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<= ""> National flag of Serbia © CC0 Public Domain the Republican Election Commission (REC) of Serbia declared h1 to img src on Friday morning not passing by the oppositional coalition of eurosceptics "Democratic party of Serbia (DSS) — Doors" a five-percent barrier at parliamentary elections. RIK reported about the specified results of counting of votes on 99,82 polling stations. According to the member of the commission, the chief of republican management of statistics Miladin Kovacevic coalition "DSS-Dveri" collected 4,99% of votes thus that a threshold for entry into new structure of Skupstina (parliament) of the country — 5%. Earlier on Thursday of RIK reported about passing by this block of a five-percent barrier. Indicators of other party blocks, including the Serbian Radical Party (SRP) of Voislav Sheshel which is also defending anti-NATO positions, did not undergo critical changes. According to recent data, the Production Sharing Agreement had 8,11%. The leader of movement Boshko Obradovich in the comment of RIA Novosti news agency called it "unprecedented scandal and theft of voices". "It is unprecedented scandal in modern political history of Serbia and the largest theft of voices recently. The shame for electoral commission which is seen by each citizen of Serbia because here four days of RIK cannot already report about results of vote on the remained two percent of sites" — was told by the leader Obradovich. According to the oppositionist, "RIK received the instruction to lower the oppositional coalition below a five-percent barrier and to give its votes ruling (The Serbian progressive party of the prime minister Aleksandar Vuchicha) parties". "Other purpose — to remove from Skupstina of Serbia the strong oppositional block which opposes the entry of Serbia into NATO and which it is strongly turned to Russia as to the strategic partner number one, than want to create the majority in Skupstina of Serbia for change in the constitution, deleting of Kosovo and Metokhiya from the constitution and for the entry of Serbia into NATO" — Obradovich considers. In total for mandates in 250-seater parliament of Serbia on elections on Sunday applied 20 political parties and the coalitions. Parliamentary elections of the republic took place also in the territory of Kosovo and Metokhiya where electoral process was organized by OSCE, vote took place in the region without incidents. At the same time with parliamentary in Serbia elections of local government and in authorities of the autonomous Region of Vojvodina took place.
Voislav Sheshel
Last position: Leader (SRS)
Kovachevich Miladin
Political ideology:National conservatism, Christian democracy, Euroscepticism, military neutrality, anti-atlanticism, conservatism, anti-globalism, liberal conservatism, nationalism.
Political ideology:Serbian nationalism, social conservatism, right populism, rusofilstvo, Euroscepticism, Great Serbia,\u000aneo-fascism
Serbian progressive party
Political ideology:National conservatism, populism, panjevropeizm