Obldep Sergeev Aleksey called data on a conclusion of assets from "Novostroy of 21 eyelids" petty intrigues Yevstafyev Arkady

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Data on a conclusion of multimillion assets from going bankrupt LLC "Novostroy 21 vek" to relatives of the deputy Regional Duma of Saratov Sergeev Aleksey are connected by with its disagreements and the businessman Yevstafyev Arkady . The parliamentarian declared it to "Fourth estate". "I connect all this with mister Yevstafyev Arkady, these are his political petty intrigues both other and other. I at all do not know about what there it is written, but you know, it is possible to drag in to any situation anyone. Even Pushkin Alexander which is on the square. And to me tighten many various situations: Yevstafyev Arkady me tightened that to Bald mountains that I there ruined any company though I have no relation to it, to any organization to which I too have no relation", - declared obldep.

Let's remind that today newspaper "Kommersant" with reference to the competitive managing director of going bankrupt LLC "Novostroy 21 vek" Chelyshev Dimitri wrote that from firm million rubles are brought to accounts of the ex-director Sergeev Artem and his relatives.

Sergeev Aleksey found it difficult to tell why chapter JSC "Invest-Holding "Energosoyuz" Evstafyev "intrigues" against it, having assumed that the speech can go about his party accessory. However, then it made a reservation, having mentioned business.

"As I understand, began with these ten-storey buildings (houses in the New settlement, the sentenced to demolition, they were built by "Novostroy of XXI", - of an edition ), he from there moved, then suddenly my wife had a room, which near it, near "Word" (publishing house, - red . ) . And the person it peculiar, we will tell so, to business measures it – a predator, it devours all trifle", - the deputy told.

"You have with it any business conflicts? " - the correspondent of "Fourth estate" specified.

"At me with it is not present any, it is simple the person has a media field (for example, Yevstafyev Arkady owns news agency "Free news, - of an edition ), and it can press somehow at the expense of this field. It presses on me long ago. I have no media field, I cannot press", - he answered.

"But after all, why on you? " - the correspondent asked again.

"But because on business it has interests, I from where know why on me", - Sergeev Aleksey from the answer evaded again.

It also disproved the communications with LLC "Novostroy 21 vek", having reminded that once resembled the head of firm with the name - "Novostroy of XXI", but also to it any more has no relation. However, then Sergeev Aleksey recognized that his son Sergeev Artem worked in that firm the director. "And and here afillirovannost? It that, has no right to go to work there where he wants? I that, have to control it? - explained obldep. – If money is removed, it should be proved in , here will be proved in that money is removed, then, I consider, removed money".

Sergeev Aleksey added that will attentively study the publication newspaper "Kommersant" on "slander" existence.

Tags: Alexey Sergeyev , Arkady evstafyev , new system 21

Sergeev Aleksey
Yevstafyev Arkady
Pushkin Alexander
Chelyshev Dimitri
Sergeev Artem