In the world:: The lawyer from India will check decency of images on condoms
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One of the high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Justice of India Maninder Singh (Maninder Singh) will check on decency of the image on packings of condoms and other contraceptives. As reports The Indian Express, six weeks are allocated for it to it.

The relevant decision was made on April 26 by court headed by the Supreme judge T.S. Tkhakur (T.S. Thakur). Singh images on condoms asked to check personally. After that the lawyer has to report on as far as advertisers, in his opinion, observe available norms and laws.

In particular, the court interests, whether "there is a way to check that will be printed on packings or measures can be taken only after their emergence in the market". "You also have to tell us, whether similar advertizing" can be considered as a criminal offense — is spoken in the decision of judges. The lawyer also has to report, whether has the government any plan for matter settlement.

The newspaper notes that Singh himself brought up a question of decency of images on condoms. The lawyer considers that it is necessary to take measures in that case, "if advertisements break any laws or regulations".

Now in India there is no censorship in a print advertizing of contraceptives, however it exists for rollers on television. So, in the country it is forbidden to show video if the woman on it treat scornfully, it is represented obedient and submitting.

In 2008 the Madras high court ordered to producers of contraceptives to abstain from placement on packings of "sexual" images on the ground that they are obscene and offensive for the Indian culture. The companies had to get permission in Committee on supervision of advertizing. After mass appeals the highest judicial authority cancelled this decision.

In India the law on obscenity provides till two years of prison at the first violation and to five in case of the repeated.