The Gomel chemical plant intends to expand geography of deliveries to the Russian Federation

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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The Gomel chemical plant has big views of the Forum of regions One of leading enterprises of petrochemical branch of Belarus - JSC Gomel Chemical Plant - celebrated semicentennial anniversary. It was executed also to business relations of chemical plant with the Russian business partners exactly so much. The director of the enterprise Dmitry Chernyakov shows apatite - the nepheline ore sealed in a frame under glass. Here already half a century this ore is delivered from the Kola Peninsula to Gomel as the main raw materials for production of phosphoric fertilizers. There are also new opportunities for the appendix of joint forces. To development of cooperation with Russians, are sure at the enterprise, the third Forum of regions will promote, the Gomel chemical plant now prepares for participation in which.

Dmitry Chernyakov: Such meetings are very effective. It is enough to remember the second Forum in Sochi. For our enterprise it was productive. We held negotiations with representatives of JSC OK RUSAL TD - the largest Russian company on aluminum production - and signed protocols on intentions of rather further deliveries of production. According to the reached agreements from 2016 to 2019 the chemical plant annually ships 3 thousand tons of fluoric aluminum to the address of the Russian partner.

In turn, "The Nikolaev aluminous plant" which is a part of "RUSAL", delivers us an aluminum hydroxide.

That expect from a forum in Minsk?

Dmitry Chernyakov: we Plan a meeting with one of our key partners in the Russian market - "VASTEKO Holding" from Nizhny Novgorod. The company is the largest in Russia the supplier of sulfite of sodium of production of JSC Gomel Chemical Plant. Let's discuss expansion of geography of deliveries to regions of the Russian Federation, and also on the Asian market is a new page in our relations. And one more important meeting will take place during the Minsk forum. We plan to sign the contract with the Russian research institute on fertilizers and insektofungitsidam name Ya.V. Samoylova (JSC NIUIF) on development of the production technology of new brands of NPK fertilizers. Its introduction will allow to expand the range of this line of our production.

It is a question of prospect of scientific interaction?

Dmitry Chernyakov: This institute is one of the most authoritative in the world of developers of technologies on production of fertilizers which are introduced in Russia and abroad. We also use scientific achievements of JSC NIUIF. Practically at the enterprise we carry out all modernization of production with specialists of this scientific institution. Now came to the new project.

I cannot but remember p notorious dumps of a phosphite which else call "the Gomel mountains". . Perhaps, development of the Russian scientists will help to solve and this difficult problem?

Dmitry Chernyakov: For a start I will tell b that at plant some technologies on reduction of dumping of a phosphite in dumps are already introduced. We managed to reduce this volume by 10-15 percent. Now it is really densely worked over a problem with scientists of JSC NIUIF who offered the technology, allowing to receive the phosphite suitable for application in building industry. The speech about production of a plaster stone. Implementation of this project, on the one hand, resolves an issue of reduction of dumping of a phosphite in dumps, and with another - a problem of import substitution. In Belarus there is no natural plaster stone, and it should be bought for currency.

Times now difficult for economy, including Union State. In your opinion, by what general principles it is necessary to be guided in overcoming of difficulties?

Dmitry Chernyakov: Should work with a united front. That, actually, we already also do. Let's tell, in Russia there was an import substitution question. The push for development was received by own agricultural production. Fertilizers under certain cultures were necessary. And our plant could put demanded types of production in time. For the first time for the last decades we shipped a batch of nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers on domestic market of Russia. About 2270 tons are sent to Novorossiysk, Krasnodar, the Eagle, Tambov, Lipetsk. Also it is only one of examples of how it is possible to involve the capacity of the Union State for the solution of the general задач.


Гомельский chemical plant lets out complex phosphorus-containing fertilizers, and also production of inorganic synthesis, delivering them to 20 countries of the world. The main raw partners are the Russian companies "Apatit", "Kovdorsky GOK", "Severo Zapadnaya Fosfornaya Kompaniya", "Gazprom export" and others.

Chernyakov Dimitri
PJSC Gazprom
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water