Three myths about refugees
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Temporary camp for refugees in Berlin © AP Photo, Markus Schreiber

the Distorted picture prevents to make the correct decision

the Same we see both in comments, and in editorial articles. The same occurs almost each time when the Norwegian delegation consisting of politicians, visits next (with the country where there is a conflict) the countries or when the humanitarian organization wants to draw attention to the work.
We see br enormous camp for refugees with the tents which have harmonously stood in the row, as Zaatari's (Zaatari) camp in Jordan where there live tens of thousands of refugees.

Even when the serious organizations, such as Christian Mikelsen's (Christian Michelsens Institutt) Institute in Bergen invite to the thematic meeting devoted to migratory crisis in the Middle East, again come under the spotlight of camp for refugees. And questions sound so: "What occurs in camps for refugees in Lebanon? whether" and "It is necessary to build more camps for refugees? "

Meanwhile, the vast majority of the Syrian refugees who ran to the countries which were near Syria, for refugees do not camp out. From nearly 5 million Syrians, compelled to leave the country, more than four million live in the cities, settlements or villages, in so-called accepting societies, among Lebanese, Jordanians and Turks.

In many villages and the cities of Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey the number of the Syrian refugees exceeds number of locals. They live in informal tent colonies, in removable housing, unfinished and shabby buildings, on roofs of houses and in crude cellars.

to the International humanitarian organizations medical care and food is easier to help people with camps for refugees where there are schools, than to help the refugees living among ordinary Lebanese in one of the districts of Beirut.

It is less difficult, and it is easier to inform on it. It leads to that the refugees who are not camping out, quite often have no such social conditions as at those who camps out, and help is given them in smaller volume. The statistics is more convincing, than words. In Turkey of 90% of children of the refugees living in camps, go to school while among children of the refugees who are not camping out, and such the majority, a similar indicator makes 25%.

Though the majority of refugees for refugees do not camp out, the most part of help given by the international community, arrives in camp.

Myth number two: for that money that we spend for one refugee in Norway, we can help 20 in next to the country, from where there arrived refugees

One more big myth — that in Norway so expensively to accept refugees on quotas if to compare to the sums which are spent for rendering the help to them where they live. "It is better to help the refugees living in neighboring countries, instead of to carry them here" — Ern Sulberg's (Erna Solberg) prime minister told, having referred to that on money which are spent for one refugee in Norway, it is possible to help 20 refugees with Jordan.

But also it, and others, using the same comparison, strongly are mistaken.
the Explanation is covered with br in work which the humanitarian organizations conduct in neighboring countries, frequent it is so-called "dot support". That is they offer such services as training at school, medical care, food aid, or they can supply the newborn child of the Syrian refugees with the birth certificate.

Such "dot support" does not give to refugees everything that is necessary for them, and it means that it cannot be compared to that "new start" at all which refugees on quotas receive in Norway. To give the chance to the Syrian child to go to school in camp for refugees or in accepting society — it something much smaller that occurs when the same child include in the Norwegian system of welfare and guarantees.

Therefore there is nothing strange that it costs less. The comparison used by the prime minister and Party of progress — all the same that comparison of a lobster and a canary.
Certainly, for the vast majority of refugees the help most close from the homeland would be better to receive br, but we distort a picture, saying that it is twenty times cheaper.

Myth number three: accepting so many refugees on quotas, we invite here all asylum-seekers

"As the Minister of Foreign Affairs I faced that signals of Norway of the decision to accept more refugees noted in refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon. And we have to bear for it responsibility" — Byorge Brenda (Børge Brende) in Stortinge in the fall of last year told.

And it, and many others specified that the decision to accept 8 thousand Syrian refugees on quotas became "invitation" to asylum-seekers to arrive to Norway.

This banal excessive simplification which does not consider all complexity of a situation. The most important signal to Syrians who became refugees, consists in the following: only for minority from you there are the lawful ways conducting to Europe and other safe countries.

Only for some elected lucky there are not numerous places as for refugees on quotas, and it is the only lawful way. There are serious bases to think that the Syrian refugees it is better, than we, know, in what a difference between refugees on quotas and asylum-seekers. And they perfectly understand that if any country accepts refugees on quotas, it not so surely means that the same country has a place for many asylum-seekers.

the Main reason inducing people to leave from next (with the country where there was a conflict) the countries to Norway and other safe countries — this lack of prospects in the future. That they do not feel safe any more where they now and that they have to find safety.

it is possible that some of asylum-seekers proved the trip to Norway that Norway accepted many refugees on quotas, but to claim what exactly it became the reason of such flow of refugees in the fall of last year — a direct mistake.

the UN High Commissioner for refugees noted that the major reason which has forced many refugees to leave the countries neighboring to Syria and to go to Europe, there was a reduction by the donor countries of food aid to the Syrian refugees in Jordan.

the Mythologization of debate complicates opportunity to make two major decisions which are necessary to refugees: about that here as refugees on quotas there have to arrive more refugees from the most vulnerable categories, and that we have to take care of creation of more permanent infrastructure — schools, hospitals and roads — in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey.
And to achieve all this, to us more facts less myths are necessary to br.

About the author: Emile André Erstad (Emil André Erstad) was born in Bergen in 1991. Heads the youth organization of Christian people's party and is the adviser for international issues in the Analytical center Agenda. Erstad — the author of the book "Farewell, Syria. About the people which have become refugees".

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Erna Sulberg
Last position: Leader of Conservative party of Norway (Conservative party Norway)
Christian Magnus Tim Mikhelsen
Last position: Head coach
Byorge Brende
Main activity:Official
Emile Andre