Gallantly, Moscow! Capital "Dynamo" — the champion of the country

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"The final of four" — as it is. Gold — at Moscow. Unconscious Jack, and "Uralochka" without Jack. Krasnodar with the Champions League, Kazan without medals.

Bronze fight

"Dynamo Kazan" – "Dynamo" (Krasnodar) – 2:3 (22:25, 25:20, 21:25, 26:24, 8:15)

Battle at Moscow for bronze medals of the championship of Russia passed without Ekaterina Gamova's which spent this day in a square for the spare. Her face almost did not express emotions, however they, these emotions, lapped in eyes: both confusion, and expectation, both belief, and hope, both readiness to help, and despair. Without Gamova, but from Stolyarova's the team of Rishat Gilyazutdinov it was overcome with Krasnodar "Dynamo" wonderfully well. But also Elits Vasilev's , dropping out of reception, but diligent threshing from the zone in attack, and Maria Borodakova who has received damage , but remained on a platform, and Antonella Del Kore , finishing career, both Stolyarov, and Startsev, and all - all-all could not stop Kuban "Dynamo".
It seemed to br that wards of Konstantin Ushakov (more precisely, Ushakov) prepared for a match for bronze medals. However, it is unlikely they waited in rivals Kazan. But the residents of Krasnodar loaded under the zavyazochka did not stop. And when stopped, Ushakov turned from the intelligent man with a low voice into a certain explosive mix. However, the mentor of Krasnodar efficiently raged: every time it worked. On the one hand, semifinal problems of Kuban "Dynamo" in reception proceeded — one only
nakolotila I will appease Evgeny Startsev's eysov. With another — Irina Filishtinskaya's , Marina Maryukhnich's had an answer on giving, and at Small — in attack.

the Result — Krasnodar with bronze, Kazan without medals and without Champions League for the first time for many years.

Shined, what with you? !

As the match for the third place was tightened by h4, volleyball players of Moscow "Dynamo" and "Uralochki-NTMK" began the pre-game warm-up in other hall, and on the arena left at once to a grid. That there were later any some minutes, nobody understood. Just attacking central "Uralochki" Shined Jack with a smile upon the face departed from a grid … At the next moment, having waved hands as wings, she lost from height of the growth of consciousness, having unnaturally broken a hand for the head.

the 23-year-old girl carried away from a platform. Later it recovered. For now her girlfriends on command were horrified, someone from girls began to cry, someone simply stood in a stupor, having pressed hands to the person. And scared eyes of volleyball players of team rival. The real shock …

It looked very terribly, believe, and in the head the swarm carried by so terrible, unnecessary, wrong thoughts. Vigor Bovolenta
, died on the volleyball court, and others igroviki at which heart suddenly stopped during a match was remembered also by . Slava Vsevyshnemu, Shined recovered. However, she could not participate in a match, and its absence strongly struck according to "Uralochke" — Jack in a semi-final with Kazan "Dynamo" was uncontrollable, gusty, fine. And after that game black blocking literally choked with a surplus of emotions, with an exit in the first final in the life. On a twist of fate it did not manage to play in this final.

Gold of Moscow

Championship of Russia. Women. "Final of four". Final. Moscow, on April 26
of "Dynamo" (Moscow) — "Uralochka-NTMK" (Sverdlovsk Region) — 3:0 (25:23, 25:23, 25:23).

the Dreadful case with Jack spoiled all game and to Nikolay Karpol , and to Yury Panchenko . Panchenko was going to close rates, Karpol was going to play through them. "Uralochka" and without that was not considered as the favourite of it "Final of four", having lost at first Darya Evtukhova, and then also Jack. On a platform the last was changed by Elena Irisova, and combative Irina Zaryazhko while at Iris it was not got on in attack was answerable for herself and for Shined generally.

On the first technical break leaders left the volleyball player "Uralochka" — 8:6. These are artful giving of Irina Zaryazhko made the business, however after sjyoma Ekaterina Kosyanenko
answered with to the same, and dinamovka evened the score. Natalia Goncharova growing in attack at diligently provided operational development and fast transfers gathered together with turns points for the team — 15:11. "Uralochka" looked for options in the attack, however hammering, effectively attacking players desperately did not suffice to it, especially when Zaryazhko on the forward line was absent. However, in attack Anna Klimets tried to assume a role of the leader 18-year , then it compelled Yana Shcherban twice to be mistaken on giving — 15:15.

And right after "Uralochk's" second technical break came forward — Zaryazhko gave the block of the same Shcherban. But the Ural volleyball players did not manage to earn an excess break, and here Goncharova, having powerfully given way through block specially trained against it, brought to the team an important doigrovochny point. Morozova managed to consider Babeshina's cunning combination and Klimets, appeared in the center — here to you one more break. And on the second and last setbol of Muscovites of Ilchenko did not cope with nerves and sent a ball from giving to a grid. 25:23 — "Dynamo" ahead after the first party. 25:23 — with the same account the second came to the end with br with br also. The most equal and most, perhaps, nervous party of a match. In all beauty volleyball players of both teams in protection proved: Ilchenko together with Voronova pulled out improbable balls and what to say that Anna Malova
created on the back line! As Irina Fetisova and as fought in Zaryazhko's attack thoughtfully worked at the block … But in Kosyanenko's ending trusted in the prima though sometimes tried to displace attack in the fourth zone, addressing transfers of Fe Garay. Prima Natalia Goncharova answered binding with exact options of end. It put the end and to the second party.

"You well played two parties! Play and further! " — Karpol Zaryazhko in a timeout after "Uralochka" concedes on start of the third set hypnotizes. Zaryazhko comes back to a platform and closes the block "Dynamo" attack. 8:7 — to the first technical break ahead of "Uralochk". Two errors of Moscow "Dynamo" in attack and not the best reception of giving of Valeria Safonova — advantage of guests grew to three points. After a timeout of Yury Panchenko Safonova executed b of the purest water eys — in Shcherban.
the Fatigue of the main hammering "Uralochki" nevertheless has on br an effect — the Moscow block twice in a row scores points: at first close Ilchenko, then Zaryazhko — 14:14. To Ilchenko's second technical break sends teams at the minimum advantage of the wards attack from the second zone — 16:15. The same Ilchenko after a pause poddavlivayet Dinamo reception by giving, and the block of guests closes Goncharova's attack, and "Uralochk" ahead all with the same "%2B3". Panchenko's second timeout — as a signal to activation of "a mode of the killer" at diagonal Muscovites after which Goncharova nevertheless pushes a ball through the block — from the third attempt. Two more of its attacks from the back line even the scores. And three minutes later equal, emotional and in an amicable way Goncharov's evil volleyball puts an end and in this party. In a match. In the championship.

six long, very long years Later Moscow "Dynamo" returned itself a title of the champion of Russia. 11 longer years later "Uralochka" played in the final of superiority of the country.

Magnificent Goncharova

Magnificent Goncharova of a sample of "The final of four" championship of Russia — 2015/16 — that the doctor prescribed our national team. In this season Natalia plays at new level, with new emotions and new opportunities. Yes, this volleyball player is unique. Without exception all team deserved a title, and Goncharova, the prima of "Dynamo", deserved it doubly: the devotion to team, belief in team, work, talent, persistence — yes anything. Also know that? Very much "magnificent Goncharova" once again — in day of the final of the Olympic tournament wants to write to Rio de Janeiro. Source: "Championship"

Catherina Gamova
Last position: Curator of female junior Russian national teams (VFV)
Irina Filishtinskaya
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION BK "YENISEY")
Марина Владимировна Марюхнич
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (Independent noncommercial organization "Zhensky Volleyball club "Dinamo-Kazan")
Iana Shcherban
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "VK DINAMO (MOSKVA)")