In Krasnodar the final of the All-Kuban school festival on game "That took place? Where? When?"
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Tatyana Sinyugina, her deputy Sergey Kilin and the assistant to the vice-chairman of committee on questions of education, science and to family affairs Sergey Pushkin came to support participants the Minister of Education, science and youth policy.

"Today remarkable event. For the first time for many years winners of municipal stages of school league gathered in the regional capital " That? Where? When? ". Your participation in the final is already a victory. It is very important that after that day, you went in the direction of knowledge further. I wish you bright impressions and new opening", - the Minister of Education, science and youth policy Tatyana Sinyugina noted in a welcoming speech.

For the title " of the cleverest school students " of the region 44 teams of 8-11 classes – winners of municipal stages battled. The regional festival started on March 5 and united 931 school teams with the total number of participants more than 5 thousand school students.

The team" Slang " from the hero town of Novorossiysk became the strongest in intellectual fight. On the second place "experts" from Apsheronsk settled down, school students got bronze from Krasnodar. Winners are awarded by commemorative medals and permits in the All-Russian children's center " Change " on the All-Russian festival of good at which they will be able to develop the abilities, to gain new knowledge and skills, and also to have a rest on the bank of the Black Sea.