Information message
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"About sale of municipal property"

In pursuance of the decision Zverevsky City Council of 31.03.2016 No. 38 "About modification of the decision Zverevsky City Council of 27.11.2015 No. 17 "About the expected plan (program) of privatization of municipal property of Zverevo for 2016", orders of Municipal authority "Department property and land relations" of 22.04.2016 No. 40 "About sale of municipal property at ".

On May 26, 2016 at 15:00 o'clock on sale of municipal property by one - opened on structure of the participants, closed in a form of submission of the offer on the property price appears :

- Room, appointment: non-residential premise. Area: the general 400,0 sq.m. Floor: 3 . Address (location): Russian Federation, Rostov region, Zverevo, Rizhskaya St., 13, py. 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38

Cadastral number: 61:51:0010112:1029 .

The characteristic of buildings privatized

- Room, appointment: non-residential premise. Area: the general 400,0 sq.m. Floor: 3 . Address (location): Russian Federation, Rostov region, Zverevo, Rizhskaya St., 13, py. 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38

Cadastral number: 61:51:0010112:1029 .

- The non-residential premises located on the third floor of the building of being in the territory in Zverevo on one of the central streets. Building of 1968 of construction.

Condition of rooms: carrying out repair with replacement window and doorways demands. Entrance the general, through a staircase, windows to the yard, rooms isolated, height of ceilings – 2,5 m. Bathroom in public places on a floor.

On the basis of the report of the independent appraiser of 03.12.2015 No. 184/12-15

The initial (starting) price of object of sale makes only 1 113 920 rubles (One million hundred thirteen thousand nine hundred twenty rubles 00 kopeks), including the VAT of 169 920 rubles (Hundred sixty nine thousand nine hundred twenty rubles 00 kopeks): Deposit (20%) from the initial price of sale of 222 784 rubles (Two hundred twenty two thousand seven hundred eighty four rubles 00 kopeks). Form and terms : Payment of the municipal property acquired by the buyer is made at a time, by introduction of all sum in time no later than 15 working days from the date of the conclusion of purchase and sale.

is carried out according to requirements of the Federal law from 21.12.2001g. No. 178-FZ "About privatization of the state and municipal property", Regulations on the organization of sale of municipal property at , Zverevsky City Council of 26.01.2012 No. 77.<"54>"

The organizer and the Seller is OIZO ZVEREVO CITY, the legal address: Rostov region, Zverevo, Obukhov St., 14, ph. 8-(863-55)-4-33-90, e-mail address: oizogzverevo@yandex .ru .

is carried out to the address: Rostov region, Zverevo, Obukhov St., 14, incorporated bank. 413 . Order taking and necessary documents from applicants for participation in is carried out on the working days from 9:30 till 18:00 o'clock local time, since date, the announcement of an information message about carrying out from April 27, 2016 to May 24, 2016 till 18:00 o'clock inclusive, to the address: Rostov region, Zverevo, Obukhov St., 14 kab.413. Participants will be defined on May 25, 2016. Results are brought in day of carrying out to the address: Rostov region, Zverevo, Obukhov St., 14 kab.413 – on May 26, 2016 till 18.00 o'clock.

Conditions of participation in

The person answering to signs of the buyer according to the Federal law of 21.12.2001 with No. 178-FZ "About privatization of the state and municipal property" and wishing to get the objects of real estate exposed on , (further – the applicant) it is obliged to carry out the following actions:

- to deposit a deposit to the account of the seller in the order specified in the real information message;

- in accordance with the established procedure to submit an application in the form approved by the seller; Duty to prove the right for participation in it is assigned to the applicant.

The sum of earnest money for participation in makes of 20% from the initial price of object 222 784 rubles (Two hundred twenty two thousand seven hundred eighty four rubles 00 kopeks).

The deposit has to arrive into the account of the seller no later than 24.05.2016 on the following requisites:

Recipient: Federal treasury department on Rostov region (OIZO ZVEREVO CITY).

r/sch 40302810260153000885 in Office on Rostov region the Southern head department Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia),

l / sch 05583129790, BIK 046015001, INN 6146004980, check point 614601001.<"87>"

In appointment are specified: deposit on on sale of the municipal property located at the address: Zverevo, Rizhskaya St., 13, 3 floor.

Order of submission of applications for participation in

- one person has the right to submit only one application;

- order taking begins with the date declared in an information message carrying out ;

- the demands which have arrived after term of their reception, come back to the applicant or his authorized representative on receipt together with the inventory on which the mark about refusal in adoption of documents becomes.

- the demand is considered accepted by the seller if registration number about what on the demand the corresponding mark becomes is assigned to it;

- applications are submitted and accepted at the same time with a complete set demanded for participation in documents.

The natural and legal entities who have in due time submitted an application with the appendix of properly processed documents according to the list are allowed to participation in purchase of municipal property.

The documents submitted by buyers and municipal property

1 . At the same time with the demand applicants submit the following documents:

legal entities :

- certified copies of constituent documents;

- the document containing data on a share Russian Federation, the subject Russian Federation or municipal in authorized capital of the legal entity (the register of shareholders or an extract from it or assured by the press of the legal entity and the letter signed by his head);

- the document which confirms powers of the head of the legal entity on implementation of actions on behalf of the legal entity (the copy of the decision on purpose of this person or about its election) and according to which the head of the legal entity possesses the right to work on behalf of the legal entity without power of attorney;

- natural persons show the document proving the identity, or submit copies of all its sheets.

- the payment order with a bank mark about the execution, confirming introduction by the applicant of a deposit according to about the deposit, concluded with the seller before transfer of money;

In case on behalf of the applicant his representative by proxy acts, the power of attorney has to be attached to the demand for implementation of actions on behalf of the applicant, issued in accordance with the established procedure, or the notarized copy of such power of attorney. In case the power of attorney on implementation of actions on behalf of the applicant is signed by the person authorized by the head of the legal entity, the demand has to contain also the document confirming powers of this person.

2 . All sheets of the documents submitted at the same time with the demand, or separate volumes of these documents have to be stitched, numbered, under seal the applicant (for the legal entity) and are signed by the applicant or his representative.

Their inventory also is attached to these documents (including to each volume). The demand and such inventory are formed in duplicate , one of which remains at the seller, another - at the applicant.

In case the submitted documents contain blots, erasures, corrections, etc., the last have to be certified by the signature of the official and putting down of the press of the legal entity, their made, or the specified documents have to be replaced with their copies which have been notarially certified in accordance with the established procedure.

Observance by the applicant of the specified requirements means that the demand and the documents submitted at the same time with the demand, are submitted on behalf of the applicant. Thus inadequate execution by the applicant of the requirement that all sheets of the documents submitted at the same time with the demand, or separate volumes of documents have to be numbered, is not the basis for refusal to the applicant in participation in sale.

In case of absence of applications for participation in or if only one participant took part in , the seller recognizes cancelled .

The winner admit the participant who has offered the greatest buying price of property. At equality of two and more offers on the property buying price at , the winner that participant admits results are made out by about results which is the document certifying the right of the winner on the conclusion of of purchase and sale of property.

By results a current of five working days from the date of summing up with the winner consist according to the legislation Russian Federation purchase and sale of property . At evasion (refusal) of the winner from the conclusion property purchase and sale the deposit to it does not come back to the specified time of purchase and sale.

To study information on rather privatized property, conditions of purchase and sale, and also an application form for participation in it is possible to the address of the organizer of : 346311 Rostov region, Zverevo, Obukhov St., 14? kab.413 in days of order taking for participation in , on the official site Administration of Zverevo, and also on the official site Russian Federation torgi . gov . in a network "" for placement of information on carrying out , a certain Government of the Russian Federation".



"____" _____________ 20 ___ of Zverevo

OIZO ZVEREVO CITY, an INN 6146004980, a check point 614601001, PSRN 1066146000392 registered 17.02.2006g. Interdistrict Interdistrict inspectorate Federaltax service No. 7 onRostov region a territorial site 6146 on Zverevo that is confirmed by the Certificate of a series 61 No. 005148216, granted 17.02.2006g. Interdistrict Interdistrict inspectorate Federaltax service No. 7 onRostov region a territorial site 6146 on Zverevo, the legal address: 346311, Rostov region, Zverevo, st. Obukhova, 14, in the person of the chief ______________________________________, municipal "City of Zverevo", Provisions and orders Administration of Zverevo from _____ years No. ___, "Seller" called further and _______________________________________________________, called further "The buyer, signed the present (further - ) as follows:

1 . Subject

1 . On the basis of the approved results on sale of the municipal property which has been carried out by ________________ 20 ___ of year according to the resolution Administration of Zverevo from _______________ of year No. _____ without restrictions on participation of natural and legal entities, with ________________ a form of submission of statements at the price of the property sold at , the Seller sells, and the Buyer, being the winner on sale of municipal property, buys in property municipal property:

- Room, appointment: non-residential premise. Area: the general 400,0 sq.m. Floor: 3 . Address (location): Russian Federation, Rostov region, Zverevo, Rizhskaya St., 13, py. 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38

Cadastral number: 61:51:0010112:1029, sold at at ________________(________________________) price, including _____________ (______________________________).<"183>" VAT

2 . Form and terms

2.1 The buyer transfers money at a rate of the cost of acquired property, minus the deposit paid by the Buyer (____________(___________________) sum of earnest money on requisites:

Recipient : Federal treasury department on Rostov region (for MU of OIZO Zverevo)

INN 6146004980 / CHECK POINT 614601001

Account number of the recipient : 40101810400000010002

Bank name : Office on Rostov region the Southern head department Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia);

BIK 046015001,

OKATO code: 60418000000

914 114 020 43 04 0000 410 (property repayment).

2.2 . In the sum ____________ rubles (__________) the Buyer pays a value added tax independently.

2.3 . are made in the following order: by introduction of all sum till _________________, no later than 15 working days from the date of the conclusion of the present of .

2.4 . For untimely transfer according to item 2.2. money, the Buyer pays a penalty fee according to article 395 Federal law of the Russian Federation of 30 November 1994 No. 51-FZ "On the Civil Code of the Russian Federation".

3 . Period of validity of

3.1 comes into force from the moment of its signing.

4 . Order of transfer of property

4.1 The property specified in the item 1nastoyashchego is transferred from the Seller to the Buyer no later than 30 working days from the moment of the full payment of the price of property specified in item 2.1 of the present of .

5 . Emergence of the property right

5.1 The property right to property arises at the buyer from the moment of registration of the present of in Department of federal service for state registration, Inventory and cartography on Rostov region.

6 . Consideration of disputes

6.1 All disputes between the parties, arising under are allowed according to the legislation Russian Federation.

7 . Change of

7.1 Changes and additions to the present to are considered valid if are brought in writing and signed by representatives on that the persons, both parties.

7.2 . The present is made and signed in triplicate, having identical validity, first of which there is at the Buyer, the second at the Seller, the third - in Department of federal service for state registration, Inventory and cartography on Rostov region.

8 . Additional conditions

8.1 The buyer is the assignee of all rights and duties in relation to the redeemed object.

8.2 The seller guarantees that given property at the time of sale freely from the rights of the third parties.

8.3 . After property right registration in Department of federal service for state registration, Inventory and cartography on Rostov region the Buyer is obliged to submit within five-day term in OIZO ZVEREVO CITY the copy of the certificate on the state registration of the right.

Legal addresses of the parties



346311 Rostov region

Zverevo, Obukhov St., 14

INN 6146004980, CHECK POINT 614601001

PSRN 1066146000392


________________ (_____________)







"_____" _____________ 20 _____ year of Zverevo

OIZO ZVEREVO CITY, an INN 6146004980, a check point 614601001, PSRN 1066146000392 registered 17.02.2006g. Interdistrict Interdistrict inspectorate Federaltax service No. 7 onRostov region a territorial site 6146 on Zverevo that is confirmed by the Certificate of a series 61 No. 005148216, granted 17.02.2006g. Interdistrict Interdistrict inspectorate Federaltax service No. 7 onRostov region a territorial site 6146 on Zverevo, the legal address: 346311, Rostov region, Zverevo, st. Obukhova, 14, in the person of the chief _______________________________________, municipal "City of Zverevo", Provisions and orders Administration of Zverevo from _________ years No. _______ and ______________________________________, called further "the Buyer, "Seller" transfers, and "Buyer" accepts: municipal property:

- Room, appointment: non-residential premise. Area: the general 400,0 sq.m. Floor: 3 . Address (location): Russian Federation, Rostov region, Zverevo, Rizhskaya St., 13, py. 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38

Cadastral number: 61:51:0010112:1029 .

The host has no claims to transferring party.



________________ (_____________)


___________________ (____________)

about a deposit

"_____" ______________ 20 ___ of Zverevo

Municipal "City of Zverevo" in the person of the chief of OIZO ZVEREVO CITY, ________________________________________, municipal "City of Zverevo", Provisions and orders Administration of Zverevo from _________ years No. _____________ First name, middle initial, last name, "Seller" called further, being guided "By the provision on the organization of sale of municipal property at , Zverevsky City Council of 26.01.2012 No. 77", on the one hand and

(First name, middle initial, last name passport data of the fiz.liyets, full name yur. persons)


"Applicant" called further, on the other hand signed the present as follows:

1 . The applicant for participation in on sale of municipal property:

Room, appointment: non-residential premise. Area: the general 400,0 sq.m. Floor: 3 . Address (location): Russian Federation, Rostov region, Zverevo, Rizhskaya St., 13, py. 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38

Cadastral number: 61:51:0010112:1029 .

Brings a deposit in the sum of 222 784 rubles (Two hundred twenty two thousand seven hundred eighty four rubles 00 kopeks).

into the account of the Seller.

(figures and copy-book)

2 . 1 present of the deposit is the proof of the obligation of the conclusion of sale and purchase in case of a victory of the Applicant during carrying out .

3 . In case of a victory of the Applicant at and determination of total cost the Seller sets off a deposit in the sum which the Winner of has to bring for execution of calculations in time, the established purchase and sale from the moment of the approval by the Seller of about results .

4 . In case of loss of the Applicant, the Seller returns sum of earnest money in full in a current of 5 days from the moment of the approval by the Seller of about results .

5 . At evasion (refusal) of the Applicant in case of a victory at to get object of sale for the called sum or refusal of the conclusion of purchase and sale in established periods, the deposit remains at the Seller.

6 . Refusal of the Winner from signing of about results , is considered refusal of the conclusion of purchase and sale and attracts the consequences provided by point 5 of the present of .

7 . All calculations for the present to are carried out in a non-cash form.

8 . Any changes and additions to the present to are brought only under the mutual agreement of the parties.

Addresses and details of the parties:



346311 Zverevo, Obukhov St., 14

INN 6146004980

CHECK POINT 614601001


________________ (________________)




transferred documents



(full name yur. persons, INN, PSRN place of registration, First name, middle initial, last name fiz.litsa, passport data, place of registration)

I transfer to the Seller the following documents:


Signature of the Applicant (his plenipotentiary)

________________________________ (________________________)

"______" _________________ 20 ___

It is accepted the Seller:

"_____" hour ______________ min. "____" _____________ 20 ___ for No. ______

First name, middle initial, last name and signature of the employee,

accepted the inventory of transferred documents ____________________


________________________________ (_______________________)

Application for participation in

"______" ___________ 20 ___ of Zverevo


(full name yur. persons, INN, PSRN place of registration; First name, middle initial, last name fiz.litsa, INN, passport data, place of registration)

the Applicant called further, makes the decision on participation in on sale of municipal property:

- Room, appointment: non-residential premise. Area: the general 400,0 sq.m. Floor: 3 . Address (location): Russian Federation, Rostov region, Zverevo, Rizhskaya St., 13, py. 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38

Cadastral number: 61:51:0010112:1029 .

- to meet conditions , containing in an information message about carrying out ;

- in case of recognition by the winner to sign with the Seller purchase and sale after the adoption of about results and to pay to the Seller the cost of the acquired property established by results .

Bank details of the Applicant:


Signature of the applicant (his plenipotentiary)

______________________________ (___________________________)

"_____" ________________ 20 ___

The demand is accepted by the Seller

"_____" hour ______________ min. "____" _____________ 20 ___ for No. ________

First name, middle initial, last name and the signature of the employee who has accepted the demand ________________________

Signature of the seller:

Chief of OIZO ZVEREVO CITY _______________________(______________________)



(full name yur. persons, INN, PSRN place of registration, First name, middle initial, last name fiz.litsa, passport data, place of registration)

I express the intention to acquire municipal property:

- Room, appointment: non-residential premise. Area: the general 400,0 sq.m. Floor: 3 . Address (location): Russian Federation, Rostov region, Zverevo, Rizhskaya St., 13, py. 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38

Cadastral number: 61:51:0010112:1029 .

at the price in the sum ____________________________________________________________ including VAT.

(figures and copy-book)

____________________ (FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL, LAST NAME)

(signature) interpretation of the signature