Kuznetsk fortress invites to evening excursion across Kuznetsk

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On April 22, 2016 in Novokuznetsk in honor of the 75 anniversary Kuznetsk district will take place the evening excursion program "To Us Go …, or Welcome to Kuznetsk".

Organizers invite to plunge into the atmosphere of the XIX century by comfortable bus accompanied by professional guides. Travel will begin from the Art square (opposite to City administration Novokuznetsk, Kirov 71).

Citizens will visit one of the main streets old Kuznetsk (Dostoyevsky St., till 1901 - Bolshaya St.) and will appear in the confused ball of human passions, intrigues and dreams. All this will occur in salon of madam Moskaleva. In this salon the staff of the Literary and memorial museum Dostoevsky F.M. (Dostoyevsky, 29) also invite you.

In branch of Museum of local lore (the former Kuznetsk district school on Narodnaya St., 7A) participants of the excursion program are waited by reconstruction of exhibition day on the Market square old Kuznetsk. Guests will be able not only to look as passed these days with songs, games, conversations of citizens, but also to visit a merchant bench, to drink to tea with pancakes, to buy souvenirs from the peddler.

In the memorial estate "Kuznetsk Fortress" (Krepostnoy Drive, 1) the funny case in a provincial photo salon which happened to one merchant family of years so 150 back …

will be presented to attention of visitors

What stories could occur in life of the most ordinary inhabitants of the most ordinary provincial town? About it you will be told also by our heroes.

Welcome to Kuznetsk!

Preliminary sale of tickets: Novokuznetsk museum of local lore, Pionersky Ave., 24.

Departure time of buses: 18.00 19.00, 20.00, 21.00.

Organizers of the program: Department for Culture administrations Novokuznetsk, Municipal budget cultural institution "LMM F. M. Dostoevskogo", MUNICIPAL INDEPENDENT CULTURAL INSTITUTION "NKM", Municipal budget cultural institution MZ "Kuznetskaya krepost".

References on ph.: (3843) 74-18-04; 34-65-45; 36-02-50; 36-01-00