The graduate of the Perm university entered TOP 100 of magazine "Forbes"
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Graduate of economics department of the Perm university

Andrey Kuzyaev

entered a rating of the richest businessmen Russian Federation, magazine "Forbes". In the list of leading businessmen of the country Andrey Kuzyaev settled down on the 98th line.

By estimates of magazine "Forbes", a state Andrey Kuzyaev make $0,85 billion

At the moment honourable professor of the Perm university Andrey Kuzyaev heads "

Perm financial and industrial group

" (the company operates JSC JOINT-STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK "

Ural FD

" (retail brand "



AYR Telecom Holding

", OH "


", PAN City Group and some other the successful organizations). In 2015 Andrey Kuzyaev became the president of holding "

AYR Telecom

". Besides, he is a chairman of the board of ROO "

Perm association

" and chairman of the board of directors of joint stock company "

Development fund Far East


Andrey Kuzyaev with honors graduated from economics department of the Perm university in 1987. From 1991 to 1993 – the managing director of the Perm commodity and raw exchange. From 2000 to 2014 directed the company "

Lukoil Oversiz Holding LTD.

". In 2004 headed ROO "

Perm association


In 1996 Mr. Andrey Kuzyaev became one of initiators of creation of the board of trustees PGNIU, PERMSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY NATSIONALNY ISSLEDOVATELSKY UNIVERSITY. In 1997 on its initiative the Regional public fund of guardianship of the Perm university "

is created


" the grant of Board of trustees which is annually appointed to 12 best students of higher education institution also is established.

In 2004 in many respects thanks to support Andrey Kuzyaev the university managed to put into operation the new educational and laboratory case (nowadays – No. case 8) in which construction it invested more than 30 million rubles

Photo Communications Department: RBC

Andrey Kuzyaev
Last position: President, board member (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ER-TELEKOM HOLDING")
Ural FD