The Hague tribunal and the Serbian opposition, - P. Iskenderov

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will not be exaggeration to tell that the verdict of not guilty pronounced by the International criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (MTBYu) in the matter of the leader of the Serbian radicals of Voislav Sheshel, had effect of the become torn bomb – especially against exclusively severe sentence concerning the former leader of the Bosnian Serbians Radovan Karadzic. In a number of the Balkan capitals local nationalists even accused the Hague tribunal, contrary to results of its activity, of "the pro-Serbian orientation".

Is known that in total accused Serbians were sentenced in the Hague to 1200 of imprisonment. Representatives of other ethnic groups received for crimes against Serbians in total 55 years of imprisonment. Thus the tribunal refused to judge heads of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and also the Kosovan-Albanian leaders.

Ethnic selectivity of judges of MTBYu is available. Only 9 Bosnian Muslims were brought to court in the Hague (against 94 Serbians), the part from them was justified, part got small penals. To speak in these conditions about "the pro-Serbian orientation" tribunal ridiculously. At the same time the internal logic in the solution of MTBYu in the matter of Sheshel is looked through – only this logic testifies just not about pro-Serbian, and to the anti-Serbian orientation of judges from the Hague.

At all shifts and frauds for which there was a device MTBYu, was not succeeded to prove Voislav Sheshel's guilt to tribunal. Let's remind that the Hague tribunal intended to sentence the leader of the Serbian radicals to life imprisonment on charge of participation "in the joint criminal venture" which allegedly was valid from August of the 1991st to December, 1995. Violent eviction was its purpose, according to tribunal, ". . the most part of Croats, Muslims and other representatives of the non Serbian population from about one third of the territory of the Republic of Croatia, considerable territories of Bosnia and Herzegovina and part of the territory of Vojvodina which is a part of the Republic Serbia to make these areas part of the new Serbian state". Voislav Sheshel during the stay on the Yugoslavian and Serbian political scene had no

neither intention, nor opportunity to be engaged in "to force out" Croats from a third of the territory of Croatia. Thus Sheshel voluntary gave up to the Hague tribunal at the beginning of 2003 then process over it repeatedly interrupted, yet did not reach scandalous duration on international legal norms. In 2006 it became clear that MTBYu is not able to prove Sheshel's fault, but pronounce the verdict of not guilty on one of the "sign" anti-Serbian affairs this legal agency too could not in any way.

Why a verdict "is not guilty" sounded in the spring of 2016? Available information allows to say that, understanding inevitability of a justification of Sheshel, the Hague tribunal decided to derive the maximum political benefit from this act. Namely: to try to influence for the outcome of extraordinary parliamentary elections coming on April 24 in Serbia in respect of drawing blow to opportunities of association of the Serbian opposition diconnected today.

Calculation is made on that on an euphoria wave from Sheshel's justification to delay voices in favor of the Serbian Radical Party (SRP) from other opposition forces – the coalitions of the Democratic Party of Serbia (DPS) and the movement "Doors Serbian", without having allowed the last to break a five-percent barrier through passage in National Assembly of Serbia. Actually MTBYu as experts in international law note, represents not legal agency, and body of external management. For external managing directors significantly it is important not to allow educations in parliament of the oppositional coalition of three patriotic parties under slogans against NATO, for strengthening of partnership of Serbia with Russia. Traffic polices and "Serbian" already declared doors intention in common to fight for reorientation of foreign policy of Serbia.

In a certain degree works a plan. At the end of March (to a justification of the leader of the Serbian radical party the Hague tribunal) the coalition of traffic police and "Doors", according to sociological polls, could count on 8% of voices. And by data after the April 11 presented by the Serbian sociological service Faktor plus, the oppositional coalition gains only 5,1% with a simultaneous growth of a rating of a Production Sharing Agreement for the same period from 6,1% to 7,8%. The difference is seemingly insignificant, but it is a question of overcoming of a five-percent barrier.

Certainly, this dynamics of preferences of voters does not mean emergence of doubts in an oppositional spirit of Radical party of Sheshel. It is a question of other: that the West in any conditions continues to look for influence ways from the outside on an internal political situation in "country target". Now, in anticipation of elections in Serbia on April 24, an attempt as much as possible to weaken forces supporting strategic partnership of Belgrad and Moscow is made. Architects of "color revolutions" change methods, but not the purposes.

Pyotr ISKENDEROV | 16.04.2016

Voislav Sheshel
Last position: Leader (SRS)
Iskenderov Petr
Political ideology:Serbian nationalism, social conservatism, right populism, rusofilstvo, Euroscepticism, Great Serbia,\u000aneo-fascism
Political ideology:National conservatism, Christian democracy, Euroscepticism, military neutrality, anti-atlanticism, conservatism, anti-globalism, liberal conservatism, nationalism.