Young researchers called in question the fact of stay of Americans on the Moon
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On April 12 in Syktyvkar school No. 4 there took place the III conference " Space and we ". Let's remind, the school this was constructed in 1961, and today the unique rarity is stored in its museum — a card in which the first astronaut of a planet Yury Gagarin confirms with the personal signature a consent to give the name to school in the capital of Komi.

Subjects of reports of participants of conference concerned history of development of astronautics, Moon and Mars researches. The schoolgirl of school No. 4 Alina Oleynik told about the trip to the town Star, and the head of the laboratory of Institute of physiology of FANO Yury Solonin – about the participation in the international project " Mars-500 ". In the performance Yu. Solomin quoted Tsiolkovsky: " Will suffice to turn on Earth orbit! " the Present youth, seemingly, holds the same opinion. And beginning researchers are adjusted very pragmatically. Them interests: what will give to people of Earth the Moon and Mars development, what minerals can be extracted there and whether space tourism will pay off? Agreeing that space exploration can go only at broad international cooperation, children from lyceum at Syktgu contributed the share of scepticism in a subject of "lunar opposition" Russia and the USA. " And still, whether the truth Americans landed on the Moon? " — young pathfinders asked a question and carried out under the leadership of the teacher of physics Alexander Verbin own investigation. Studying available photos and video records, schoolgirls paid attention, for example, to that fact that shadows at the astronauts walking on lunar soil, for some reason disperse in different directions. And the speed of falling of a hammer in vacuum, by their calculations, does not coincide with that that is noticeable on a video topic. Categorical conclusion of the girl, however, did not begin to draw. April for the Russian astronautics – special month. 55 years ago, on April 12, the first flight of the person in space was made, and the first start of the rocket is appointed to April 27 from the spaceport "by East ". Probably, it will be a report subject at the following school conference " Space and we ". And conference from the city will grow to the republican. Lille VOVK.