Valeriyus MAKUNAS: "Modernization of schools – our priority"
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Affairs and cares of regions

Recently, during spring vacation, in Garlyavsky main school of Adomas Mitkus (The Kaunas area) there took place become already traditional republican exhibition "Moderni mokykla 2016" ("Modern school-2016").

Teachers of Lithuania once again had a fine opportunity not only to get acquainted with innovations in the field of education, but also to exchange experience with colleagues; to study production of the leading firms focused on process of training; to meet representatives of the companies working over development and improvement of educational technologies; to invite the Lithuanian and foreign experts who could examine the advanced methods of training.

More than 100 actions

In the exhibition organized by the Center of distribution of education, within two days more than 100 seminars, discussions, a practical training for teachers and heads of schools took place.

Participants of an exhibition and actions were congratulated by the vice-minister of education Genovayte Krasauskene, the mayor of the Kaunas area Valeriyus Makunas (in the top picture on the right), the former minister of education and science Daynyus Pavalkis.

The head of the Center of distribution of education Gedryus Vaydyalis told that the idea of the organization of an exhibition of innovations in education ripened long, yet did not become reality. Cooperating with school of Adomas Mitkus and the company largest in the country on sale of a stationery of "Biuro pasaulis", this exhibition sets as the purpose to make active regional communities of education, to create long-term conditions for continuous development of the sphere of training.

And here not so superfluous will be to tell some words about one of organizers of an exhibition.

The director general of the Biuro pasaulis company Arturas Tuminas who is the initiator of transformation of firm, achieved nowadays powerful success already on the scale of all Baltic region, is very successful and as the creative manager. Not so long ago one of business magazines recognized him as "The head of year".

And there began Arturas the career by the loader, then was the seller, continued the director of shop, and headed firm 15 years ago. He constantly seeks to find new clients, organizing modern exhibitions sales of the production which basis is made by a stationery and other goods necessary for offices, cultural institutions and education. And it yields the fruits: thanks to activity and despite crisis years, the firm turn grows.

Branches of a company are in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda. A.Tuminas's motto: "The one who does not work" is not mistaken.

It not first such exhibition. Therefore it is necessary to mention that there is a development of this project. The last year's exhibition took place at model school of the Vilnius area. Organizers offered teachers many seminars and lectures, and as it appeared, such sources are very demanded, teachers feel their shortage. Therefore at a present exhibition the quantity of seminars and lectures considerably increased, having passed for one hundred.

JSC Biuro pasaulis submitted various decisions promoting development of education at the exhibition stands. Visitors of an exhibition got acquainted with interactive technologies of training. Teachers of history became interested in the educational programs offered for the school museums. The attention of teachers of technological subjects was drawn by models of tiny machines with printing 3D - devices, and also thrones more and more extending in the world. It should be noted that the problem of these autonomous systems created for flight, includes performance of the missions which are potentially dangerous to the person. In a broader sense are the independent mobile devices called usually by robots, programmed on performance of any tasks.

Information extends immediately

Participants of an exhibition discussed modern calls – the organizations of a network of education, improvement of quality of educational process. All agreed that in the last two decades there were huge changes in knowledge area, in system of public values and a way of life, and also in a view of the personality and for her education.

Especially considerably possibilities of training are influenced by information technologies on which independent options of process of training outside school walls are based.

Near a traditional blackboard there is an interactive board of training, tablet computers, robots. Internet speed grows, libraries are modernized, opening new opportunities for readers, replenishing with digital editions.

The general conclusion is in ascertaining of that today information volume unusually quickly grows, it extends with a lightning speed. Therefore in quickly changing world the critical, analytical, creative thinking, ability quickly to solve problems, initiative and a sociality as set of the properties acquired by the person promoting his activity and incorporation in society, in public and work, than amount of the knowledge accumulated in the storeroom of memory are more important.

Basis of the modern state

In the modern world openness, skill to communicate, flexibility, search of priorities in private life become especially important properties.

"All of us – both politicians, and workers of education – have to create together good school as without it the modern, modernized state" is impossible, - the former minister D. Pavalkis told.

The mayor of the Kaunas area Valeriyus Makunas, continuing thought of the minister, emphasized: "Modernization of schools – our priority. Education development through modernization of schools will allow to increase quality of education. What do we understand as modernization? It not abstract expression, in it the concrete deep meaning" is put.

According to the mayor, the modernized school is the school having modern space, it cannot be clamped by narrow corridors, close classes, in it to be simply obliged spacious audiences.

At such school competent teachers, good managers-managers have to work. It is school without mockeries and harmful psychotropic substances, this modern place opened to the world where the creative and responsible person is brought up.

The good knowledge of school problems the mayor of the Kaunas area is explained by its personal experience in the education sphere. Valeriyus Makunas was born in 1955 in the Kaunas area, in the village Zapishkis. Having left secondary school in Kachergin, it continued study at the Lithuanian institute of physical culture. After institute worked as the physical education teacher at school, the inspector of department of regional department of education, the director of high schools in Kachergin and Noreykishkes, within six years directed the Kaunas regional department of culture, education and sports.

Life prompted that transformations at school, its modernization substantially depend on policy in the field of education. Therefore the following step of future mayor became logical continuation

the previous. It began political career and continues in Social Democratic Party of Lithuania. Since 2007 is the mayor of the Kaunas area.

Are created

different models

The mayor emphasized that life sparkles all new paints therefore both training programs, and the network of education should be reconsidered constantly. Syanyuniya remote from the city Chekishkes, Vandzhyogala, Taurakemis, Ezhyarelis grow old. Absolutely other situation in Garlyava, Domeykava, Raudondvaris, Karmelava, Neveronis, Ringauday where lives many young families, in these syanyuniya high birth rate therefore there it is necessary to care of elementary schools and kindergartens.

Reconstructing education establishments, self-government of the Kaunas area created different models. Some main schools became initial or offices of gymnasiums. The decision to create the multipurpose centers where under one roof are elementary school, library, the cultural center, healthcare institution, kindergarten justified itself. Such multipurpose centers work in Ringauday, Lyuchyunay, Kachergin, Zapishkis.

"We want that children of our edge had more opportunities for informal education therefore we extend branches of Garlyavsky school of arts, in the pool Mastaychyay we will teach children to swimming. Let's strengthen natural sciences, technological and sports bases, we will continue the program of updating of sports grounds", -

V. Makunas notes.

Other valuable representation of the mayor in the field of education - establishment of offices in different subjects.

As for a recent exhibition, especially captivated the mayor of the region of opportunity printing 3D - the device and the tiny machine intended for technological lessons: how more interestingly and more productively there can be lessons for children!

New projects –

new prospects

The solution of two self-managements – Kaunas city is now especially important and Kaunas regional - to take part in the "Kaunas — the Cultural Capital of Europe" project.

The project manager Virginia Vitkene noted that implementation of such project very important for all region, it will promote development of cultural infrastructure, will increase quality of services.

"Pleases that we thereby build the bridge between two next self-managements – city and regional. I do not doubt that the investments enclosed in culture of our edge, will pay off", - the mayor of the Kaunas area V. Makunas speaks.

Uniqueness of Kaunas is that only of the Lithuanian cities is entered in UNESCO list as the Hanseatic city. In the city there are a lot of universities, cultural institutions and sports, historical monuments. In turn in the Kaunas area there is a Karmelavsky airport which will facilitate delivery of tourists from other countries.

Also Klaipeda edge, Panyavezhis, Birshtonas and Druskininkay apply for a rank of "the cultural capital of Europe" in 2022. The international commission will make a final decision in 2017. Let's remind that Vilnius was "the cultural capital of Europe" in 2009.


Photo of organizers of an exhibition

Makunas Valeriyus
Krasauskene Genovayte
Tuminas Arturas
Виткене Виргиния