Spirituality: competence finding

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Serious disputes boil nowadays round the Meeting in Cuba … I thumb through

three-volume "the Lipetsk Encyclopedia" (originators Shalnev B. M., Shakhov V. V.). First volume … Article about Bezdenezhny Anatoly . National actor Russian Federation. The highly professional actor possesses the lyrico-dramatic tenor of wide range, a beautiful timbre and big sound intensity. In repertoire of the master – the Russian national songs, songs of modern composers, works of the Russian and foreign classics. It is widely known in our country (he is the participant of the cultural programs, the largest musical festivals) and abroad: in Poland, Germany, India, Austria. Vatican City. And – one more biographic accent:


Bezdenezhny Anatoly – the participant of Pushkin, Lermontovsky, Derzhavinsky, Zhukovsky, Zamyatinsky, Danilevsky, Levitovsky, Pisarevsky, Prishvinsky, Igumnovsky, Obukhovsky, Hrennikovsky, Koltsovsky, Nikitinsky, Semenovo-Tyanshansky, Radinsky celebrations …

Behind a friendly chat asked it to tell about, how it executed nikitinsky "Russia" (the composer – the resident of Lipetsk Astakhov A.) for the Pope … -

… Under a big tent of Blue heavens — I See — a distance of steppes

It is turned green. And on their sides, Above dark clouds, Chains of mountains stand

Giants. On steppes to the seas of the River slide, And ways


Extensively. I will look at the South — Fields mature That at a cane dense,

Silently move; The Grass of meadows the Carpet creeps, Grapes in gardens

It is poured. I will look to the North — There, in a solitude of deserts, Snow that white down,

It is quickly turned; Podymayet breast to Mora blue, And mountains ice

Goes by the sea; And the fire of heavens Shines with the Bright glow a haze

Impenetrable... ". It you, my Russia majestic, my homeland Orthodox!

Widely you, Russia, On the person of the earth In beauty regal Were developed!

Do you have no Paul pure Where revelry would find Volya courageous? Whether at you is not present

For emergency treasury, For friends — a table, the Sword — to the foe?

Do you have no Powerful forces, Old times sacred, Loud feats?

Before whom You humiliated yourself? To whom in a rainy day Low bowed?

On the fields, Under barrows, you Put Tatars of a horde.

You on life and death Conducted dispute with Lithuania And gave a lesson

To the Pole proud.

It is thought that to the Pope was over what to reflect …

… And long ago was, When from Oblegl's West you the Cloud dark?

Under a thunder-storm of its Wood of drop, Mother of cheese earth Hesitated,

And the ominous smoke From burning villages Highly rose the Black cloud!

But only the tsar clicked the people on abuse — Suddenly since all ends

Russia rose. Brought together children, Old men and wives, Received guests

On a bloody feast. And in deaf steppes, Under snowdrifts, Settled to sleep

Guests forever. Buried their Blizzards snow, North Storms About them cried! .

And now among your Cities with the Ant teems Orthodox lyud.

By the gray-haired seas From far-away countries the Ships go begging to you.

Both fields blossom, And the woods rustle, And lie in the earth of the Heap of gold.

And in all doomsday white About you there is Slava loud.

Also there is for what, Russia mighty, to Fall in love with you, to Designate mother,

To become for your honor Against the foe, For you in need

To lay down life! . ".





That remains from centuries and generations.

… Because of the insufficient capacity of memory human

events of a dying-away time are stored by it in close

to myth or apocryphal story packing, up to a hieroglyph.

Bulk of intermediate time, from us to future

owners of the rejuvenated planet, condenses history of the disappeared predecessors in at last

the read apocryphal story of Enoch who explains

lameness of a human nature merge oboyudonesovmestimy sushchnost - spirit and clay …

L e about N and d L e about N about century. "Pyramid". 1994 .

The best minds of mankind comprehended eternal questions of spirituality, culture, ethics, an esthetics, humanity. "Our ancestors were disturbed strongly by secret of a universe, - Yesenin S. A. in "Maria's Keys" wrote. - They tried almost all doors conducting to it, and left us many finest keys and master keys which we carefully store in the museums of our verbal memory. Understanding patterns our mythological epiki, we find a number of instructions that the person is neither more, nor it is less, as a bowl of space obosoblennost …"

Ku of l t at r and (from the Latin word "cultura" meaning cultivation, education, education, leaving, development, honoring) is historically certain level of development societies, creative abilities of the person, expressed in types and forms of the organization of life and activity of people, and also in created by them material and spiritual tsennosyakh. The concept "culture" is used for the characteristic of historical eras (for example, ancient culture in the territory of this or that region), for designation of specific fields of activity or life (the standard of work, culture of a life of inhabitants). In narrower sense the concept of culture is applied as designation of the sphere of spiritual life of people.

The word "culture" most often met in expression "cultura

agricola" (cultivation, processing, soil improvement); late this word concept found essentially other sense in "cultura animi"

(soul improvement).

Material and spiritual … In "The story of temporary years" we read that books "… an essence the rivers filling the Universe, they an essence proceeding

wisdom (sources), in books immeasurable depth, we are consoled in them in grief, they an essence a bridle to abstention … If we look for in wisdom books diligently, obryashchy great advantage as a hobby the... "

Tombs, mummies and bones are silent.

Only life is given to the word.

From ancient darkness, on a world country churchyard

Sounded only letters.

Also there is no other property at us!

Be able to protect,

Though according to the lights, in days of rage and suffering,

Our gift invaluable - the speech.

Bunin Yvan. "Word", 1916.<"229>"

There is a set of options of definition of culture. The short philosophical dictionary under edition Rozental M. and Yudin P. (M., 1954) states: "Culture - set of the material and cultural wealth created by mankind in the course of socio-historical practice". The philosophical dictionary under edition Frolov I. T. (M., 1986) claims: "Culture - creative activity of mankind in all spheres of life and the consciousness, directed on reality transformation, on transformation of richness of human history into internal wealth of the personality". The academician Konrad N. I. spoke: "Culture - that we create, than we own, and at the same time, it creates us, us owns".

… Winged legend of Svetloyare-ozere. The legend says about a hail Kitezh white stone, with towers, gold-domed temples. Lyutokovarny vorog wanted to disgrace and charm citizens, pozhech a nice hail of Kitezhsky Russia. But the miracle came true. The city Sal is invisible. Ten days, ten nights spiteful nechestivets ransacked in search of the settlement rusichy to outrage upon shrines. But far from it! The enemy hand did not concern the treasured!

The wonderful lake which has hidden Kitezh hail laps-waves. Mysteriously depths spring whirlpools. Sacredly the lake Svetloyar keeps secret intimate and great. Secret of the lake - secret of soul of the Russian. Only chisy soul

to people the treasured opens.

And ouch on the mountains, on the mountains yes on high,

On sholomi was an okatist,

Hey there stood-stood yes the thin the tent,

is white

Hey the thin the tent is white stood yes is white the linen.

And hey in that in a tent white linen

And hey here sits three daring yes kind the good fellow:

And hey first yes old Cossack Ilya Muromets,

And hey secondly da Dobrynjuscica Nikitich mlad,

The Waugh-third da Olescecc Popovits was.

They stood on outposts on strong

And hey guarded-protected yes Kiev hail …

is red

Spirituality lessons … Traditions an otechestvolyubiya, humanity, patriotism, "grieves not about the grief", a dobrotolyubiya, "harmonies of a samopozhervovaniye" for the sake of the Homeland orthodox.

Zavety-predoserezheniya to sons Mudry Jaroslaw: "… if begin to hate each other, to quarrel, and will be lost and ruin the earth of fathers and your grandfathers".

The cap Monomakh Vladimir is until now stored in Moscow. From depths of centuries -

instructive word reproach Monomakh Vladimir: "Why we ruin the Russian land, why we are at enmity among themselves? . Let since then there will be at all of us a uniform heart, will observe the Fatherland. And who will break a precept? Yes there will be on that a cross honest and all earth Russian".

Mudry Jaroslaw and far-sighted prince-prozorlivets Bogolyubsky Andrey

("Courage and mind lived in it, the truth and truth with it went and a lot of dobrodenye in it was … Everyone, keeping virtue, cannot be without many enemies") transferred the capital of Russia to Monomakh Vladimir, decorated it with temples.

Chroniclers designated Vsevolod's "miroderzhets", nicknamed Big

Nest; his mighty heroes could "Spill Volga oars, and shelomami to take out Don".

"Respect for the passed - here the line distinguishing education from wildness", - Pushkin A. S. claimed. - … Not for the world I would not like to change the fatherland, or to have other history, except history of our ancestors, such God what to us gave it".

"To and to about y the B about gave it to us …"

… Night, cell in Chudovo a monastery (1603). The father Pimen, Grigory sleeping. Pimen (writes before an icon lamp):

One more, the last legend -

And the chronicle is ended washing,

The debt, bequeathed from God

is executed

To me guilty. Not without reason many years the Witness Gospod me put

And to book art talked some sense;

Sometime monk hardworking

Will find my work diligent, anonymous

It will light, as I, the icon lamp -

And, a dust of centuries charters having shaken off,

Truthful legends will copy,

Yes descendants orthodox


Lands native past destiny,

Great I remember the tsars

For their works, for glory, for good -

And for sins, for dark acts

The savior submissively beg.

On an old age I once again live,

Past passes predo me -

Long ago it rushed, events full,

Worrying, how the sea okiyan?

Now it is silent and quiet,

Not many words reach me,

And other was lost nevozvratno …

But day is close, the icon lamp burns down -

One more, last legend …

And at school lessons, and in a high school lecture course, speaking about "Boris Godunov" for some reason we forget to remind of the dedication premised to the great text: "Precious for Russians of memory of Nikolay Mikhaylovich Karamzin this work, the genius its inspired, with awe and gratitude Pushkin Alexander devotes".

References to Karamzin in Pushkin compositions … "It is possible to be proud of glory of the ancestors not only, but also has to; not to respect it there is a shameful cowardice. "The state rule, - Karamzin speaks, - puts respect for ancestors in advantage to the citizen educated". Greeks in the most humiliation remembered a nice origin and by that were already worthy the release. Whether there can be defect in the private person what is esteemed by virtue in the whole people? The prejudice this, approved as democratic envy of some philosophers, serves only to distribution of low egoism", - the Pushkin statement of 1827.

Two feelings are marvelously close to us,

In them finds heart food:

Love to the native ashes,

Love to fatherlike coffins.

Life-giving shrine!

The earth without them would be dead …

… And as an altar without deity … (1830)

… "Pardonably to the native (Pushkin Alexander meant the native of others lands - V.SH.) not to love Pushkin lessons of spirituality neither Russians, nor Russian Federation, neither its stories, nor its glory. But it is not laudable to it for the Russian caress to soil dirt sacred pages of our chronicles, to wear the best fellow citizens and, Yu without being content with contemporaries, to scoff at coffins of forefathers" (1830). Pushkin statement of 1836: "Not for the world I would not like to change the fatherland, or to have other history, except history of our ancestors, such god what to us gave it" (1836).<"351>"

The Pushkin and Karamzin tradition will inspire "in both d e N and e" the poet of the next century:

Vzbegu on the hill

also I will fall

in a grass.

And an antiquity will blow softly suddenly from a dale!

And suddenly pictures of terrible contention

I during this instant will see in reality.

Desert light on star coast

And chains of your birds, Russian Federation,

Will eclipse for an instant

In blood and pearls

Stupid boot of with high cheek-bones Batyya …

Russian Federation, Russia - where I will look …

For all your sufferings and fights

I love yours, Russian Federation, old times,

Your woods, country churchyards and prayers,

I love your izbas, and flowers,

And the heavens burning about heat,

And whisper of willows at omutny water,

I love for ever, to eternal rest …

Russian Federation, Russia! Store itself, store!

Look, again in your woods and dales

From all directions they appeared suddenly,

Other times Tatars and Mongols.

They bear on flags a black cross,

They crosses sky zakrestili,

And not the woods to me seem okrest,

And wood of crosses

in vicinities

Russian Federation.

Crosses, crosses …

I cannot any more!

I will sharply take away from eyes of a palm

And suddenly I will see: quietly on a meadow

The grass is chewed by strenozhenny horses.

They will begin to neigh - and somewhere at aspens

Will pick up an echo a slow neighing,

And over me -

immortal stars of Russia,

Quiet stars boundless shimmer …

Rubtsov Nicholas. "Vision on the hill".

* * *

In the history of spiritual culture Russian Federation one of the places of honor is allocated for Lomonosov Mikhail (1711-1765). Expert on chronicles, sedate books, chronographs, lives of sacred, digit and genealogical books,

Lomonosov Mikhail - the poet and the culturologist addressed to Old Russian history. In the ode of 1741 it recreates an agonal order "reasonable Gostomysl": "Opposite that to you force streti, Live in friendship, be afraid of quarrels …"

Lomonosov Mikhail opposed belittling of a role of the Russian people. "To Russian Federation so great darkness of ignorance was not what is represented by many external writers", - he spoke.

"The God's world" with its "live" breath is beautiful:

Kristalna mountains surround,

Streams are cool flow round

The meadow covered with flowers.

Fruits, are speckled by a flush,

And branches, are irrigated with honey,

Spring show with a summer suddenly.

The delight admires all feelings!

What sweet flows in blood?

In a pleasant heat heart thaws!

Whether the love here reigns?

And turtle-doves gentle sighing,

And pure stuffed cabbage lobzanye

Love show tamo the power.

Trees sheets pomavayut,

Each other vetvmi embrace,

In callous zryu lyubovnu passion!

In 1743 Lomonosov Mikhail created original work - transposition of the 143rd bible psalm:

I was embraced by others people,

I wallowed in the abyss of the deep;

You with go on a hand stretch high,

Rescue me from many waters.

Broadcasts lie language of enemies,

Their right hand is strong hostility,

Lips are plentiful vanity,

Hide in heart spiteful kov.

But I, about My God, will proclaim

To you song Nova povsechastno;

I in ten strings to You it agrees

I bring psalms and songs …

Relieve me of strong hands

And from others people of the power:

Their speech is full of a vanity, misfortunes

The hand them in us directs onions.

"The athlete of the Russian poetry" of Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich (1743-1816) called for mercy in relation to "fatherland feeders" - grain-growers. Appeal to masters to be humane ("Be on a throne of people"). Belief in divine human nature. Reflections about life and death ("Today god, and tomorrow ashes …"). Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich the Shakespearean ideal ("That for masterful creation - the person is close! . In comprehension it is similar to a deity! Beauty of the Universe! Wreath of all living"). Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich

peculiar treated Russo's winged thought - the person is great the feeling; ("Mind and heart human were my Genius")

Development by Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich moral and art opportunities of a genre of a psalm ("Ode. Transposition of 81 psalms"); the address to tsars ("Your debt - laws sokhranyati And not to look at eminence of persons, From hands of persecutors spasati Poor, orphaned and widows! ").

The Derzhavinsky ode "God" became world-famous. It was translated into the main European languages during lifetime of the poet. In a number of the countries the ode "God" was transferred by repeatedly different authors (in France - 15 times, to Germany - 8). The person - the proud, independent personality tremblingly realizing put Supreme opportunity, mind and feeling potential:

I am communication of the worlds, everywhere real,

I kraynya substance degree;

I the center living,

Line nachalna deities.

Batyushkov Konstantin Nikolaevich (1787-1855) at the end of a course of life addressed to philosophical tragicly set phrase of east wise man: "You know, what uttered, Saying goodbye to life, gorod Seda Melkhisedek? The person will be born the slave, the Slave in a grave will lay down, And the death hardly will tell it, why it went a valley strange got down, Suffered, sobbed, suffered, disappeared".

Koltsov Aleksey (1809-1842) with his "Person":

Whether all creations in the God's world Will give to desires freedom -

Are so fine, good! The earth blood will give to drink;

But whether more perfectly the person to Violent will will give vent -

Anything is not present on lands! Under it the sea will begin to boil.

Itself(himself) he hates that; But aspirations,

will change

That he values itself(himself); Mind, -

Will light up with light

That will fall in love, will stop loving; And the it beauty

For an instant of life of eyelids trembles … Everything on light will dull …

The academician Likhachev D. S. in the article "Culture Ecology" says that the concept of ecology cannot be limited only to problems of preservation of the natural biological environment. For human life, the culturologist believes, the Wednesday created by culture of his ancestors and him is not less important. Preservation of the cultural environment thus - a task not less essential, than preservation of the surrounding nature. If the nature is necessary for the person for his biological life, the cultural environment is so necessary for him

d at x about in N about y, moral life, for it "d at x about in N about y about with e d l about with t and", for his attachment to native places, for his moral self-discipline and a sociality. Likhachev D. S. notes that a question

about "r and in with t in e the N of N about y e to about l about and and" not only is not studied by N, it even is not put by our science as something whole and vital for the person. Separate types of culture and "the remains of the cultural past", questions of restoration of monuments and their preservation are studied, but moral value and influence of the influencing force on the person of all cultural environment in all its interrelations though the fact of educational impact on the person of his environment at anybody does not raise the slightest doubts is not studied "… The cultural ecology should not be mixed with science of restoration and preservation of separate monuments. The cultural past of our country has to be considered not in parts as it was moved, and as a whole" ("Fatherland Monuments", 1980, No. 2).
