S&P changed the forecast of a rating of "Uralkali" on "negative", lowered "EuroChem" rating to "BB-"

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<= width "http://www.media.nakanune.ru/images/pictures/image_80952.jpg" = "105" height = "75" class = "img_body" alt = "S%26P changed img src the forecast of a rating of "Uralkali" on "negative", BB-"" title = "S%26P lowered "EuroChem" rating to "changed the forecast of a rating of "Uralkali" on "negative", lowered "EuroChem" rating to "BB-"" align = "left"/>

the International rating agency Standard %26 Poor's changed the forecast of a long-term corporate rating of "Uralkali" from "stable" on "negative" . The rating is left at the BB-level.

Besides, the corporate rating of EuroChem Group AG and its affiliated structure, EuroChem group , is lowered with "BB" to "BB-", the change forecast - "stable". "EuroChem" rating on a national scale is lowered with "ruAA" to "ruAA-".

These rating actions are caused by essential situation deterioration in the market of fertilizers for the last half a year and agency expectations that of the price of fertilizers remain much lower than levels of 2015 within several years.

Thus, the companies of sector will get smaller profit and will increase an indicator of leverage more strongly, than it was expected earlier, writes "Interfax" . Weakening of a ruble exchange rate only partially compensates these losses.

Rating actions also affected by strong the German K%2BS AG (the rating is lowered with "BBB" to "BBB-") and the Canadian Potash Corp. (it is lowered with "A-" to "BBB%2B").

As Nakanune.Ru reported to p , in Russia create national rating agency .

S&P Global Inc
Main activity:Printing services
PJSC Uralkali
Main activity:Chemical production
Main activity:Chemical production