Wax Putin - the evidence of creeping influence of Russia on EU periphery

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In the tiny wax museum located in an hour of a driving from Belgrad among street cafes, cheap clothing stores and benches where trade in second-hand mobile phones, artists worked two months day and night on work in honor of Vladimir Putin, narrates Bloomberg . Putin's figure is placed near a flag of Communist Party of Yugoslavia and local figures like Milosevic and Tito, it is an appreciation sign that Putin supports objections of Serbia against independence of Kosovo, journalists James M. Gómez, Gordana Filipovich and Mischa Savich write.

"About 75% of the Serbian citizens respect Putin and Russia therefore we decided that Putin will be the first foreigner, - Dragan Markovic Palma, the mayor Yagodina where Putin's statue was exposed in March told. - Russia very much helped us".

on April 24 in Serbia parliamentary elections will take place. Campaign of the prime minister Vuchich who intends to prepare the country for the accession to EU, encountered that fact that people slip towards nationalism, authors consider. In Serbia in the old manner gently treat Russia, the offense because of bloody disintegration of Yugoslavia remains, and the European Union itself is unsteady, having doubts in the future." It on a hand, including, Radical party which wants to stop negotiations on the accession to the trade union", - is written by authors.

According to poll of April 10, in Serbia of 11% of voters are positive to the accession to EU and NATO, and 72% - are negative. ("In the 90th NATO bombed Serbians" twice, - reminds the edition). However, in other poll 48% supported the accession to EU. From 18 parties applying for mandates in parliament, eight - pro-Russian.

And still Vuchich made preparation of Serbia for the accession to EU by 2020 the main foreign policy goal. Many Serbians consider that the way to increase of a standard of living lies through membership in EU, instead of through communications with Russia.

Direct foreign investments, generally from EU, steadily grow in Serbia the last five years.

Serbians still have a strong cultural proximity with Russia, both countries - orthodox and use Cyrillics.

But at Voislav Sheshel and other pro-Russian figures time has not enough p to play on feelings of Slavic friendship, authors consider.

"We do not have anything the general with Russia, - told in Yagodine Aleksandar Radokoykovich, the 38-year-old jobless carpenter. - The most part of things arrives to Serbia from the West and if we try to run away and find from here somewhere work, we besides look for it in the West, instead of in Russia".

Source: Bloomberg