Environment security service: situation after accident on Balticovo - under control

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the Situation in the river Iyetsava and its inflow to Vergupa is controlled by img src in cooperation with Balticovo, the death of fish is not observed, the director of Elgavsky regional government of protection of the environment Hardiys Verbelis reported. by

As it was reported, the equipment for sewage treatment at the poultry-farming enterprise Balticovo failed yesterday. GSOS estimates a situation as very serious as Balticovo daily makes about 500 cubic meters of sewage.

"I can testify p that the enterprise made everything to reduce possible damage to the nature - informed us, reduced outputs and sewage. If they held back a situation, consequences could be serious. However in the river it is necessary to watch a situation. Today results of the first express analyses" can become known, - Verbelis told.

possible pollution of water in the river will not affect human health, he assured.

elimination of consequences of accident on Balticovo is watched also by the inspector of the Public Service of Protection of the Environment (PSPE).

As were noted by Verbelis, various violations at this GSOS enterprise were fixed earlier, but as a whole "our cooperation is aimed at the development - the enterprise constructed new treatment facilities".
