"Magnet" is ready to pay 4 billion more rubles of dividends

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Dividends of the largest retailer of Russia "Magnet" following the results of 2015 can make 3,999 billion rubles. Such recommendation was made by board of directors to shareholders to the annual meeting appointed to June 2. The size of dividends on one action will make 42,3 rub

In 2015 the retailer paid dividends following the results of the first half of the year (8,4 billion rubles, or 88,4 rub on an action) and nine months (17 billion rubles, or 179,77 rub on an action).

The main owner and the general director of "Magnet" Sergey Galitsky, the finance director Khachatur Pombukhchan and the deputy general director on economic security, organizational questions, GR and PR of JSC Tander (operational "daughter" of "Magnet") Aslan Shkhachemukov, and also the general director of JSC Southern Trading Company Alexander Alexandrov, the general director of JSC Domashny interyer Alexander Zayonts and the director of a network of sports shops "The Highest League" Alexey Pshenichny are called candidates for board of directors. All of them are included into operating board of directors.

Besides, the list included Vladimir Gordeychuk. He is the minority shareholder of "Magnet" (2,54% of actions own). V. Gordeychuk held a post of the general director "Tander" since 2007, in January of its power in this position were ahead of schedule stopped, its place was taken by Alexander Barsukov. In board of directors it will take Andrey Arutyunyan's place.

Arutyunyan - Galitsky's brother, it holds a post of the deputy general director on JSC Tander development. It possesses 0,2% of actions of "Magnet".

The main shareholder of the company is her general director Sergey Galitsky - directly to it belongs 35,1% of actions (at the end of March it reduced a share of direct possession from 38,7%, having transferred 3,56% of the Cyprian company Lavreno Ltd. ) . According to the list of affiliates, 2,5% of actions of "Magnet" belong to Vladimir Gordeychuk, 0,2% - at Andrey Arutyunyan. Free float - more than 50%. GDRs of "Magnet" address at the London stock exchange, an action - at the Moscow exchange.

Sergei Nikolaevich Galitsky
Last position: President (LLC "FOOTBALL CLUB "KRASNODAR")
Shkhachemukov Aslan
Aleksandrov Alexander
Zayonts Alexander
PJSC Moscow Exchange
Main activity:Printing services
Lavreno Ltd
Main activity:Finance