Vladimir Salkov: "Now will understand that such work of the selector. From "Cruzeiro" I watched Ramirez"

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<=> the Former sports director of CSKA Vladimir Salkov told p class to "text" about some transfers of CSKA.

– Dzagoyev in the Tolyatti academy were looked by you?

– Yes, took Alan absolutely the boy. Such there is a lot of. Here the list of that time, look – Shumilin, Ryzhov, Vlasov, Dzagoyev … Mark: "To find apartments for boys". Means, by that moment everything was solved.

– Who to you especially was pleasant to p, but to CSKA did not get?

– the Left defender from "Fluminens". We just looked for such player. Attacking, quick. Very much I wanted it to take away!

– That prevented p?

– "Real" intercepted p. It is to Marcel. With heads of club I agreed, they warned: if "Real" refuses – we give you. But in Madrid not fools work.

– Who else from known football players was at you on a pencil?

– Shatov conducted. Interesting fellow. On this candidate everything was reported on Giner. Transfer of the player the president of "Ural" Grigory Ivanov owned. It was necessary to agree with it. Portnyagin too long watched. Brought to Moscow, but sent back. I till the evening can list to you whom we sifted …

– And from legionaries?

– we Open other notebook. They at me as geography textbooks. Now will understand that such work of the selector. From "Cruzeiro" I watched Ramirez. Angular, but rigid, courageous. In matches with weak teams often appeared in their penalty, hammered. But only weak, it is important!

– we Note p for themselves.

– Here addition: "Against strong rivals settles down strictly before the central defenders. In creative game does not participate". We refrained from purchase.

– And Ramirez was not gone. Found a job in "Chelsea".

– And in my list. Universal boy. Both fought, and created. I precisely recommended it. See, it is noted?