With a cross against a rainbow

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the Referendum about same-sex marriages is initiated by h1 in Georgia. Despite desire the Georgian "to get" to EU, the result is predictable: against "sin" and church, and public. the Secular and spiritual authorities of Georgia, as a rule, watch h2 in one direction. © the Photo from a site president.gov.ge

Traditionally Georgian men in mass consciousness were perceived by span as people courageous and sexually active - concerning an opposite sex, and the woman, in turn, as thrifty, and, of course, monogamous beings, true to "Dzhigits" and a home. But "everything mixed up in Oblonsky' house". It can be told and about modern Georgia - all mixed up: in particular, with strange sharpness there was a question of legalization of same-sex marriages.

the Strangeness of it consists that, despite existence in Georgia representatives of LGBT, intimate which "way" of life is unacceptable for Christian morals, the nonconventional sexual relations in the country have "total" no character. However, in Georgia took place of attempt of processions Lgbtshnikov defending the rights. But they resembled a call and advertizing of nonconventional sexual orientation more.

Such attempts, however, always were severely stopped by militant supporters of the traditional sexual relations and marriages, and, is frequent by means of force and with participation of representatives of church, which aggression somehow not to the person.

In principle, in Georgia adherents of "other love" treat tolerantly but until these adherents do not start imposing it to society and to arrange from it a fetish. Otherwise – keep, gays, lesbians and other "sinners" - can whack a huge cross, a stool and than will turn up under a hand.

generally, make impression that Georgia has now no bigger care, than to hold a referendum on legalization of same-sex marriages and to bring in the Constitution of the country of the explanation that marriage is the union of the man and the woman and (or) the union of same-gender representatives.

Reached before that the Central Election Commission of Georgia registered an initiative of a group of persons about holding a referendum on the above problem. The appeal to the Central Election Commission took place after the defender is right Lgbtshnikov, the lawyer Georgy Tatishvili submitted the claim to the Constitutional court of Georgia with the requirement of legalization of same-sex marriages. According to the logic of lobbyists of the marriage rights of gays, lesbians and others, in the Country constitution it is told nothing that marriage is only the union of the man and the woman.

would be more exact to adduce argument that the Constitution contains some different interpretations – in one of its articles is told that marriage represents the voluntary union of the man and the woman for the purpose of family creation. But in other article of the Basic law marriage is treated as the voluntary union founded on equality of spouses which floor is not specified.

It seems that business nevertheless will not reach a referendum as one only its appointment will cause in the country much stronger exaltation, than sexual excitement Lgbtshnikov and supporters of the "correct" sex of together taken. But, speaking about a referendum, for its carrying out it is necessary to collect 200 thousand signatures after which check of the Central Election Commission has to address to the president in which competence there is a question of purpose of a referendum.

Most likely, the "sharp" sexual issue as a result will be resolved at the level of entering by deputies of amendments into the Constitution. To expect that they will go against opinion of church and the Patriarch Vsey of Georgia Eli the Second it hardly cost – almost all country will anathematize legislators. Therefore it is more probable that the parliament will be limited to concept specification marriage as union between the woman and the man.

And still why in Georgia the question of legitimation of same-sex marriages, that is withdrawal pains of traditional Caucasian and orthodox mentality, became almost the most actual against huge internal and external problems of the country?

They say that on legitimation of same-sex marriages are drawn by the West, and that the corresponding condition is put in the Agreement on Association of Georgia with EU. However, this document was not completely published in the Georgian language, and it means ample opportunities for a domyslivaniye.

hearings Go also that if Georgia will not legalize same-sex marriages, she will not receive a visa-free regime expected by the summer of the current year with EU.

But we will lay conjectures aside - there is a report of the European commission on fight against racism and intolerance of March 1 of the current year in which, according to the GEOMIGRANT.com edition, Eli the Second it is accused, in particular, that he speaks "hatred language" as the Holy called LGBT action "an insult of the Georgian people, and homosexuality – a disease".

we Will note p, the Georgian Patriarch in one of the sermons really considered surprising the fact of existence of conversations on legitimation of same-sex marriages. "It is so great sin that about it even is inadmissible to talk in the temple and to say the name of this great sin", - said the Holy.

Representatives of the Georgian clergy, certainly, reacted to charges of Europe to the patriarch. Portal Orthodoxy. ru quotes the metropolitan Borzhomsky and Bakuriansky Serafim who has declared the surprise by attacks on Eli the Second. It reminded that in the Scriptus homosexuality is recognized as a sin, and the Church has to call all who suffers it, to leave from it. Besides, the metropolitan noted, homosexuality contradicts the cultural and national wealth of the Georgian people.


thus, were told by him, any priest does not call for "crusades", and "The patriarch restrains nobody. … And as for the report, charge (from the European commission), …. it is inappropriate and very incorrect".

Even more the mother superior Velikomuchenitsy of Varvara in Tbilisi the Mother Superior Serafima definitely spoke. The words provided in the report of Europeans, she called "an insult of the patriarch and all Georgian people". "As it is possible to speak about racism and not tolerance, … when in the territory of Georgia there are more than 300 mosques! … I do not understand and do not accept this criticism and very shameful charge".

according to the Mother Superior, place is taken by "purposeful fight" against Orthodoxy and the people of Georgia. "That is offensive also, - she added, - that in the territory of Turkey there is no operating Georgian orthodox temple. All Europe is silent about it! Why? The answer is simple is a fight against Christ! … And what – on that earth where so many martyrs where the Lord's Tunic and an honest cope of the Blessed Virgin is stored shed the honest blood to arrange same-sex marriages? ! I am surprised to as far as they went beyond all limits. It is a shame! "

I further: "That our patriarch is far from hatred language, each Georgian knows. Such Europe which imposes us the lusts is necessary to me and nobody. Probably, will demand solemn church service during "wedding" of same-sex couples soon. To it not to be! "

the opinion Given above is shared in Georgia if not by everything, almost everything, including youth. So, the chairman of National council of youth movement Georgy Gabedava declared: "To me such Europe where offend, first of all, the Lord our Jesus Christ is hated. Let Europeans live the laws. This their private matter... There is a desire? – let marry the boys, nobody interferes in their house and the apartment. I urge the government of Georgia to demand apologies before each Georgian, before our people before the Most Saint Catholicos-patriarch Iliya! "

nobody began to Apologize, certainly, but it seems many in Georgia hold the opinion, it is worth what apologizing. First, the trust rating to the patriarch in the country still never fell lower than 96 percent. Secondly, to rejection of legitimation of same-sex marriages point not only conversations in this respect, but also results of sociological researches. In particular, the Kviris Palette newspaper (A palette of week) conducted survey which has shown that in the Constitution the concept "family" has to be formulated as unity of the man and the woman – in favor of it 85 percent of respondents expressed. Against – 5,4 percent, found it difficult to answer 9, 6 percent.

However, is in Georgia and those who consider that the irreconcilable relation to same-sex marriages is no other than ignorance. But, we will notice, far not in all European countries same-sex marriages are legalized, and it means that not all Europe is ready to become Sodom and Gomorrah, but demands it from Georgia. Thus, "the marriage question" hardly has to become a cause of failure of Georgia in abolition of a visa regime with EU. For it not cancellations, at desire, can be found other "weighty" arguments.

generally "to rehabilitate" Europe and to calm the Georgian public and church as regards the marriage and sexual relations the parliament entering of amendments into the Constitution, unambiguously saying can only that marriage is the union of the man and the woman, and a point. to

voices of 113 deputies are necessary for p For acceptance of the constitutional changes. But the preliminary process connected with change of the Constitution, quite long and when it, that is change, will happen, it is not known. In principle, deputies can ignore this question, as "insignificant". They will please with it the "advanced" European bosses, but will enrage own "not advanced" the electorate which is considering that the West tries "to impose to Georgia debauchery".

By the way, the subject of "the dissolute West" is far from alien certain and not the most insignificant part of the Georgian society which can be strengthened to the parliamentary elections appointed in the country for October 8. Proceeding from it, it is worth expecting that the rights of gays, lesbians and others to elections will get political loading and become, so to speak, "the sexual tool" for electorate recruitment.

Irina Dzhorbenadze
