The Meganumber cape about the Pike perch will build up with sanatoria

@Krym 24
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the Territory of the cape of Meganumber in the Pike perch is considered by img src as a platform for city and construction expansion in this territory of sanatoria and boarding houses and accompanying infrastructure.

About it were reported by the chairman of administration of the Pike perch Vladimir Serov.

"Meganom's territory – prospect of our new city which will be used for sanatoria, rest houses, good boarding houses. Many investors came to these territories at us already, there is their interest them to develop. In this part of the city at us very good beach territories, quite big land freedom for implementation of this project. We look at the territory of the cape of Meganumber with prospect of construction of the whole area in the city", – Serov noted.


Vladimir Nikolaevich Serov
Main activity:Politician