In KGU the All-Russian Olympic Games on literature started
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On Saturday evening in the assembly hall of Kursk state university the ceremonial opening of the All-Russian Olympic Games of school students on literature took place. The hall was overflowed by uneasy children from different corners of our great country: Moscow, Leningrad region, Kirov, Republic of Bashkortostan, Buryatia, Voronezh, Belgorod, Sevastopol... In total at the Olympic Games 69 regions of Russia are presented.

The concert program began with performance of owners of the Grand Prix " of Student's spring " and repeated winners of various competitions – ensemble of the variety dance " of Drim-Dans ". Then the vocalist, the winner of the international competitions, Evgeny Dementiev was invited to a scene. Struck ensemble of the national dance " Spring ", having executed Kursk traditional dance" Timonya " and having infected with the positive energy all audience in a hall. Irina and Galina Ermakovy, winners of student's spring, forced to admire merge of voices in uniform composition.

L.N. Tolstoy's quote "The word – business great became the opening speeches devoted to literature. Great because the word it is possible to connect people, the word it is possible and to disunite them, it is possible to serve as the word to love, it is possible to serve as the word to hostility and hatred. Beware of such word which separates people".

A motivating speech was delivered by the guest of honor, the originator of Olympiad tasks, the member of the Union of journalists of Moscow, the editor-in-chief of the magazine " Literature ", the member of Public council at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Volkov Sergey Vladimirovich:

- You have ahead exciting days. But anyway, they will fly by very quickly. I wish you to be adjusted on changes to the best. No matter, who will win a result. All of you are winners, after all already arrived here. Enjoy the atmosphere and people round you. Let these days spent in Kursk the state university, become the most unforgettable.

His words were picked up by professor of school of philology at Higher School of Economics, the Doctor of Philology Penskaya Elena Naumovna:

- I would like to continue Sergey Vladimirovich's words. The Olympic Games are a travel. We will be able to rediscover your talents. The Olympic Games and intense competition, all of you long prepared and passed through so many obstacles, but you have to use this opportunity to learn your forces are how great. I congratulate and wish good luck!

The Olympic Games will take place in three rounds: analytical, creative and finishing the third – communication with judges. The commission of experts was presented to participants: Lomonosov Galina Vladimirovna Zykova, other not less honored teachers and research associates from Tver, Novgorod, Moscow, Kursk, Yaroslavl, Chelyabinsk, St. Petersburg.

With welcome speech the rector of KGU, professor Vyacheslav Viktorovich Gvozdev addressed to the present:

- Dear participants of the Olympic Games! I am glad you to welcome in our territory. Let the Kursk state university will be remembered to you well. I wish pleasure from acquaintances which are coming you, bright impressions and victories and, the most important, - progress to you and good luck!

Text: Darya Prokudina

Photo: Lilia Koroteyeva, S. V. Machikhina, D. S. Sergiyenko