Shtangist to Alexey Lovchev should pass additional test

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the Russian anti-doping agency (RUSADA) will hold additional testing of the athletes suspected of the use of a dope. The champion and the world record-holder got to the expanded list of testing on weightlifting in weight category over 105 kg Alexey Lovchev who has been temporarily discharged of competitions in suspicion in violation of anti-doping rules.

40 representatives of the Russian weightlifting enter a national pool of testing since April 1. 26 athletes are included in a national Registered Testing Pool, and 14 — in expanded. As the head of RUSADA Anna Antseliovich told earlier TASS , athletes whom more fixed supervision follows enter a national registered pool. The expanded included those, control for which will be less strong. The international standard provides that the athlete included in a registered pool, has to be tested three times a year. On an expanded pool of such requirements is not present.

An expanded pool of testing together with Lovchev entered also Alexey Kosov who was also suspected of violation of anti-doping rules. However Olga Zubova and Olga Afanasyeva discharged together with Lovchev and Kosovo after the World Cup in Houston of performances because of positive doping tests, now are in more "rigid" national registered pool.

at the end of December of last year Lovchev was temporarily discharged of competitions in suspicion in violation of anti-doping rules. In test "And" the athlete, taken during the World Cup in the American Houston, traces ipamorelina — the substance stimulating development of hormones of growth were found. Later it was sounded that the doping test of "B" opened in Montreal, also yielded positive result.

In the international registered doping pool of 2016 where all leading weight-lifters of the world are included, enters including 21 representatives of Russia.

Lovchev Aleksey
Antseliovich Anna
Kosov Aleksey
Afanasyeva Olga